Marketing research on intranasal medicines of domestic market


  • B. S. Burlaka Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • N. M. Chervonenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • I. F. Belenichev Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Intranasal Drug Administration, Marketing Research


Modern development of biopharmaceutical research in world science and practice promotes the use of new dosage forms or administration routes of active substances in the human body. Recently, researchers drew attention to the use of non-invasive route of administration that can be used for new drug substances and for existing ones. Non-invasive routes of drugs’ administration have some advantages over invasive one, namely: do not damage the skin, do not require special training and conditions of use, provide the appropriate level of therapeutic efficacy of medicinal products. One of these administration routes of active substances in the human body is the intranasal one. Intranasal formulations have been known for a long time, most of them are widely used for topical treatment of various diseases of the nasal cavity. In recent decades, scientists have positive results on the use of intranasal route for regular use. Nasal medicines for systemic use are also easy to use; they do not cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

While intranasal route of administration the active ingredients fall directly into the general circulation and unlike enteral route they escape the first-pass elimination, which prevents the premature destruction of the drug.

Objective: marketing research on registered intranasal drugs for local and systemic applications of the domestic market.

Materials and Methods: Official data from the Ukrainian State Register of medicines, with details to release forms of the drug, dosage, manufacturer, country of origin and pharmacotherapeutic group has been used as a research material.

Results. According to the State Register of medicinal products 226 intranasal drugs of the domestic market are recorded.

Conclusions. Marketing research on intranasal drugs for local and systemic applications of the domestic market has been performed. It has been found that vast majority – 94.7% among registered intranasal drugs are the medicines for local use. System intranasal vehicles take only 5.3%. Competitive analysis has showed that the greatest competition occurs in local intranasal medicines and there is almost no competition among intranasal system medicines.


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How to Cite

Burlaka BS, Chervonenko NM, Belenichev IF. Marketing research on intranasal medicines of domestic market. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2016Sep.22 [cited 2024Oct.24];9(3). Available from:



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