The study of consistent properties of gelatinous shampoo with minoxidil


  • I. V. Gnitko
  • V. V. Gladishev
  • A. P. Lisyanskaya
  • I. A. Biriuk



Minoxidil, Shampoo, Gel, Tthixotropy, "Mechanical Stability"


The aim of the work is the study of consistent properties of gelatinous shampoo with minoxidil 1% for the complex therapy and prevention of alopecia. This shampoo with minoxidil was selected according to the complex physical-chemical, biopharmaceutical and microbiological investigations.

Methods and results. It has been established that consistent properties of the gelatinous minoxidil 1% shampoo and the «mechanical stability» (1.70) describe the formulation as exceptionally thixotropic composition with possibility of restoration after mechanical loads. Also this fact allows to predict stability of the consistent properties during long storage.

Conclusion. Factors of dynamic flowing for the foam detergent gel with minoxidil (Кd1=38.9%; Kd2=78.06%) quantitatively confirm sufficient degree of distribution at the time of spreading composition on the skin surface of the hairy part of head or during technological operations of manufacturing.

Insignificant difference of «mechanical stability» for the gelatinous minoxidil 1% shampoo and its base indicates the absence of interactions between active substance and the base.


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How to Cite

Gnitko IV, Gladishev VV, Lisyanskaya AP, Biriuk IA. The study of consistent properties of gelatinous shampoo with minoxidil. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2016Mar.9 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



Pharmaceutical manufacturing