Comparative description of the use of modern methods of hormonal contraception for women with excessive body mass


  • I. B. Gridina Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Contraception, Overweight, Body Mass Index


Maintenance of reproductive health of women with excessive weight is the actual problem of nowadays and is an important direction of modern medicine.

Aim. To analyze the efficiency and acceptability of oral, іntravaginal and transdermal hormonal contraceptives among women with excessive body mass.

Methods and results. The tolerability and ease of use of different types of hormonal contraception have been studied in 72 women with excessive body mass to determine the reliability and acceptability of modern hormonal contraceptives. It has been investigated that the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives according to our data is 100%, none patient was registered with an unwanted pregnancy. The total subjective evaluation of all hormonal contraceptives use were positive: 78.6% of women with excessive body mass who used oral contraceptives, were satisfied with the chosen contraceptive method, 81,8% – were satisfied with intravaginal method, 59,1% – transdermal contraceptive.

Conclusions. It has been found that intravaginal contraceptive is most suitable as the drug of first choice for women with overweight compared with oral and transdermal hormonal methods of contraception. This suggests that women with excessive body mass can successfully use modern methods of hormonal contraception. But it is necessary to carry out clinical supervision, during which further clarification on the use of hormonal contraception in women with excessive body mass is possible.


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How to Cite

Gridina IB. Comparative description of the use of modern methods of hormonal contraception for women with excessive body mass. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2016Mar.9 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



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