Thermal degradation features of peppermint oil in a binary system with Β- cyclodextrin


  • I. A. Omelchenko JSC «Farmak»,
  • T. G. Yarnykh National Pharmaceutical Universitу,
  • I. B. Yanchuk JSC «Farmak»,
  • G. I. Bоrschevskiy JSC «Farmak»,



Incineration, Peppermint Oil


Aim. One of the most promising ways of changing physical and chemical properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredient is an encapsulation on a molecular level with the use of cyclodextrins. This makes it possible to create products with the desired activity and controlled distribution in the body.

Methods and results. We have studied the thermal decomposition of peppermint oil in binary systems with β-cyclodextrin. It has been found that the thermal degradation of mechanical mixture and inclusion complex of the «host-guest» with the composition of 1:1 passes through different mechanisms.

Conclusions. It is shown that the given data of thermal stability are useful for the identification of an inclusion complex «β-CD – peppermint oil» and assessing its complexation, and for the development of technology of medicinal forms of supramolecular complex of β-cyclodextrin and peppermint oil.


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How to Cite

Omelchenko IA, Yarnykh TG, Yanchuk IB, Bоrschevskiy GI. Thermal degradation features of peppermint oil in a binary system with Β- cyclodextrin. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2016Mar.9 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



Pharmaceutical manufacturing