Identity disorder and social-psychological adaptation in patients with hepatobiliary disease


  • V. V. Khramtsova State Institution "Ukrainian State Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Dnipro,
  • S. S. Panina State Institution "Ukrainian State Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Dnipro,



social adjustment, anomie, psychological adaptation


Negative bodily experience due to health complications and disability is perceived as a difficult life situation. The success of adaptation, commitment to treatment and cooperation with a doctor depend on the personality characteristics that define behavioral representations.

Aim. Investigate the structure of identity and mechanisms of social-psychological adaptation of patients with the hepatobiliary system disease.

Contingent and methods. 75 patients with a diffuse liver disease - chronic hepatitis, mostly of viral etiology (36 people) and liver cirrhosis (39 patients) have been examined. We have applied clinical, clinical-psychological, mathematical and empirical methods, semi-structured cross-interviews ("patient-doctor", "patient-psychologist"), diagnostics of personal characteristics, identity structure, social-psychological components of adaptation. Three leading personality profiles have been highlighted.

Results. Persons with a disharmonious personality development are characterized by disorders in the area of identity formation and development. Fragmentation, the impossibility of personal integration and severe penetrability from the environment contribute to social-psychological maladjustment. The coping is aimed at preserving the problem situation and intensifying the intrapersonal conflict. For persons with difficulties in the adaptation of the personality, a violation of activity interaction with the surrounding world is characteristic, a ban on one's self-identity. Social adaptation is often disrupted due to instability in the emotional-volitional sphere and choosing low-adaptive coping strategies. Genuine "I" and identity formation is impeded for the individuals suppressing aggressive impulses. Adaptability tends to be discrete. With mental stress increasing, the likelihood of choosing low-adaptive coping strategies increases.

Conclusions. When drafting psycho-correction programs and medical treatment of people with a hepatobiliary disease, it is necessary to take into account the presence of diffuse identity and violations of social-psychological adaptation.


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How to Cite

Khramtsova VV, Panina SS. Identity disorder and social-psychological adaptation in patients with hepatobiliary disease. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2017Nov.1 [cited 2025Mar.4];(3). Available from:



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