Coinfection of tuberculosis/HIV at children and teenagers in Zaporizhzhia region


  • O. M. Raznatovskaya Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • Yu. V. Mironchuk Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • L. I. Chernyshоva “Zaporizhzhia Regional Clinical TB Dispensary”, Ukraine,
  • O. O. Pushnova “Zaporizhzhia Regional Clinical TB Dispensary”, Ukraine,
  • I. V. Popova Zaporizhzhia Regional Center on Prevention and Control of AIDS, Ukraine,



coinfection of tuberculosis/HIV, children, teenagers


The work purpose is to establish features of course of tuberculosis/HIV coinfection at children and teenagers in Zaporizhzhia region.

Materials and methods of the research. The analysis of disease histories and out-patient cards of 24 children and teenagers was carried out.

Results. The coinfection of tuberculosis/HIV is more often diagnosed for children at the age of 1–4 years (41.7 %). Patients with the first time diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis (83.3 %) prevailed, while without bacterioexcretion (79.2 %) and without destructive process (92.8 %). 95.8 % of patients with coinfection were born from HIV-positive mother. HIV infection since the birth was diagnosed for 45.8 % of patients. 58.3 % of children weren't inoculated by vaccine of BCG. Contact with tuberculosis patients is established in 66.7 %. Reliable results of Mantoux test were negative (33.3 %) and positive (58.4 %). In 66.7 % of cases tuberculosis is diagnosed against the background of HIV infection of the child. Therefore, the average duration of HIV infection at patients authentically prevailed by 5 times. 91.7 % of patients received the ART. 70.8 % of patients finished treatment with residual changes. 79.2 % of patients suffered from serious associated diseases. Vaccinated children have longer middle age by 2.7 times, and the quantity of lymphocytes of CD4+ is twice lower. The positive Mantoux test is prevailed at vaccinated children (92.9 %), and negative test is prevailed at inoculated children (70 %). Duration of hospitalization of tuberculosis at not vaccinated children is 1 month longer. Vaccinated children finished treatment with residual changes 1.5 times more often.

Conclusions. Children at the age of 1–4 years suffer on coinfection of tuberculosis/HIV more often. 95.8 % of patients with a coinfection were born from HIV-positive mother, and HIV infection is diagnosed for 45.8 %. The ART was received by 91.7 % of patients. 79.2 % of patients suffered serious associated diseases. Contact with tuberculosis patients is established in 66.7 %, and courses of chemoprophylaxis received only 41.7 %. In 66.7 % of cases tuberculosis is diagnosed against the background of HIV infection of the child. 70.8 % of patients finished treatment with transfer to category 5.1. An acceptability of treatment in 91.7 % of patients was satisfactory. For the children inoculated by vaccine of BCG, there was the following characteristics: middle age is 2.7 times longer, the quantity of lymphocytes of CD4+ is twice lower, negative result of Mantoux reaction (70 %) and 1.5 times more often treatment with residual changes after the postponed tuberculosis. For not vaccinated – prevalence of a positive Mantoux test (92.9 %) and duration of hospitalization of tuberculosis longer by 1 month.


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How to Cite

Raznatovskaya OM, Mironchuk YV, Chernyshоva LI, Pushnova OO, Popova IV. Coinfection of tuberculosis/HIV at children and teenagers in Zaporizhzhia region. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2017Nov.1 [cited 2025Mar.4];(3). Available from:



Experimental and clinical pharmacology