Microscopic features of raw materials of Laurus nobilis L.


  • S. G. Musienko
  • V. S. Kislichenko




Laurus, Microscopic Features, Plant Shoots, Plant Leaves


Aim. The urgent task of contemporary pharmacy is the continuation of studies of popular medicinal plants’ raw materials, for example, laurel, for further adjustment of its application. To establish diagnostic microscopic features the anatomic structure of laurel shoots and leaves has been studied using well-known micro technical techniques.

Methods and results. It has been established that shoots had absently vascular type of xylem with frequent single-row pith rays, and etheric oil receptacles are located in phloem part, the leaf is hypostomatic with dorsoventral type of structure, an epidermis is with frequent stoma of anomocytic type, the main vein and petiole are single fascicular.

Conclusion. This shows that diagnostic features of shoot structure are the type and the localization of the etheric oil receptacles, the type of the xylem, the localization features of the pith rays, leaf – the absence of pubescence, the type of leaf blade, the localization features of stoma.


Retrieved from www. Fitoapteka.org/herbs-I/2154-laurus-nobilis.

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How to Cite

Musienko SG, Kislichenko VS. Microscopic features of raw materials of Laurus nobilis L. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014Nov.12 [cited 2025Mar.4];(3). Available from: http://pharmed.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/33157



Pharmacognosy and chemistry of natural compounds