Substantiation of the necessity to develop a competency model of training specialist in pharmacy on the basis of intellectual educational system


  • V. O. Demchenko
  • O. A. Ryzhov
  • N. A. Ivankova



Pharmacy Education, Professional Competence, Computer-Assisted Instruction


The pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, in which various subjects of drug turnover operate, is gradually moving to basically new level. The development is taking place due tothe fundamental factors such as competence and the quality of pharmaceutical activities.

The changes on the pharmaceutical market, tough competitive conditions, transforming of the managerial culture intensity, the problems of not always appropriate competence of specialists and require fundamental changes in the system of pharmaceutical education.

The purpose. To conduct research of the links in social and economic relations between higher educational institutions and employers in the labor market through the analysis of future graduates`professional competence for the pharmaceutical industry and substantiate the necessity for the development of competency-based training model on the basis of adaptive intellectual computer system of training.

Materials and methods. The study was conducted using the methods of semantic evaluation of legal and scientific documents, comparison, systemic and structural logical analysis.

Results and discussion. Competence approach has been implemented in most European countries at the level of national educational standards.

The current system of pharmaceutical education in Ukraine is normative and it is based on the branch standards of higher education-educational qualification characteristics and educational and vocational program.

Market conditions encourage employers to determine and order specialists with a definite set of professional competencies, constantly updating and upgrading knowledge who fully meet the requirements of the position defined independent on the subjects of the system of drug provision.

Therefore, it is necessary to synchronize "production" of the education system and "demand" of the labor market. It`s obvious, the solution of this problem is possible only with the introduction of new educational technologies to create a model of professional competence that are actively using the latest advances in the sphere of information technologies.

The prism of professional pharmaceutical activitiesallocates an object-oriented approach, based on practice-oriented methods, new requirements for the organization of problem-based training by creating a new educational environment (computer systems of training) for the development of modular programs both at enterprise and at educational institution, new approaches to assessing the quality of training through the evaluation of the level in mastering disciplines, professional modules and assessment of students`competence.

One of the means to implement subject-oriented training is - the development of intellectual educational systems of different types. In the basis of these systems should be the model of pharmacist`sknowledge based on competence and which will involve theoretical knowledge, characteristics and criteria for practical skills` assessment, the parameters of the surroundings in which he will work, built on the grounds of ontology.

Conclusions. The standard of a new generation of education in the pharmaceutical market can be implemented based on a competency model using an adaptive intellectual computer system of training, which main aim is to organize personalized student`straining. This system will include the model of professional`s knowledge and modular courses that will optimize and speed up the development of curricula and methodologicalmaterials in accordance with the wishes and requirements of employers. This will make it possible to implement training small groups with the assigned competencies.



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How to Cite

Demchenko VO, Ryzhov OA, Ivankova NA. Substantiation of the necessity to develop a competency model of training specialist in pharmacy on the basis of intellectual educational system. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014Jul.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



Innovations in pharmaceutical and medical education