The study of factors affecting acute odontogenic osteomyelitis prevalence among Zaporozhye citizens


  • N. G. Barannik
  • S. D. Varzhapetyan
  • I. V. Kuropata
  • I. V. Berduk
  • O. N. Manukhina



Dental Focal Infection, Osteomyelitis, Jaw Diseases, Treatment, Preventive Dentistry, Longitudinal Studies, Urban Health


Introduction.The problem of improving the methods and means of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of maxillofacial inflammatory diseases remains one of the most pressing problems of surgical dentistry.

The reason of continued high percentage of patients in the overall structure of dental disease some authors attribute to the rising incidence of atypical forms of inflammation, developing on a background of altered reactivity of the organism and the changing properties of microorganisms, constantly adapting to new conditions of existence.

Level of disease prevention is one of the indicators of the nature and level of social- economic, political, scientific-technical conditions in the country.

Aim of the Investigation.To identify the main factors that determine the prevalence of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis in industrial city.

The Materials and Methods.A retrospective analysis of medical records of patients with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws undergoing inpatient treatment for the 2009 - 2013 period,  in the department of  maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry of Zaporozhye. Recording and processing the following criteria of data: diagnosis, age, sex, cause of the disease, the patient's place of residence, length of hospital stay, employed patients, therapy.

Results and discussion.During the 2009 - 2013 period in Maxillofacial department of Zaporozhye 482 patients were hospitalized with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis. Average age hospitalized with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis during the analyzed period of time was 37 ± 12,7 years.

Residents of the Zaporozhyecity present 78%, 68.9% of them are working people. Analysis showed that the terms of negotiability duration for dental care was after 5 ± 1,3days the onset of symptoms, and in 78% of patients did not suffer. There was an inverse relationship between the number of working patients hospitalized for acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws, the total number of hospitalizations and length of hospital stay.

A retrospective analysis of medical records of maxillofacial department of Zaporozhye showed that against reduction of employed patients we have an increase in the total number of patients with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis. This indicates that the effect of treatment, preventive measures and routine inspections influences the prevalence of the disease.

With the continuous monitoring of the dental health of the industrial citylate-seeking patients for dental careare a major cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws.



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How to Cite

Barannik NG, Varzhapetyan SD, Kuropata IV, Berduk IV, Manukhina ON. The study of factors affecting acute odontogenic osteomyelitis prevalence among Zaporozhye citizens. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014Jul.8 [cited 2024Oct.24];(2). Available from:



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