Prospects of using licorice as an immunomodulator in pediatrics


  • О. А. Rukhmakova
  • Т. G. Yarnykh



licorice, immunotherapy, pediatrics


Introduction. Despite the current choice of medicines supplied by pharmaceutical industry, phytotherapy today is a quite popular method of treatment, including pediatric patients. Among its advantages we should note, first of all, plant safety and the possibility of long-term use, the biological affinity between the active substances of plant and physiologically active substances of the body, the multivalency of phytopreparations’ action, simplicity and ease of preparation and use at home, etc.

The nomenclature of medicinal plants approved for pediatric patients use is wide enough, while the increasing attention has attracted licorice and medicines based on it more recently. 

The aim of this work is to study the prospects of licorice as an immunomodulator agent in pediatrics.

Results and discussion. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) – is a perennial herb of the legume family. In Ukraine Licorice is sporadically found along the coastal slopes and plains of Azov, at Crimea,Donetsk,Odessa, Kherson etc.

As a medicinal plant all underground parts of plants (roots and rhizomes) are harvested during March - November. Among a variety of biologically active compounds, the direct application in medical practice is following: among triterpene compounds - glycyrrhizin acid and its derivatives, from phenolic compounds – flavonoids, from hydrocarbons - polysaccharides. A wide range of specific activity of licorice medicines ensures by the availability of glycyrrhizin acid in its composition.

Medicines obtained from licorice root, are used as analgesic, choleretic, hepatoprotective, laxative, diuretic and antispasmodic agents. Cough medicines for the treatment of bronchitis, inflammation of the nose and throat, conjunctivitis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc are proposed.

The root of licorice is used in extemporaneous compounding for preparation the decoction, which is used as an anti-inflammatory and bronchiolitis agent. In industrial conditions from thick extract which is a part of the breast elixir, syrup licorice and some other medicines for respiratory diseases are obtained from licorice.

Only syrup licorice has found direct application in pediatric practice. However, the increase of number of different pathologies in children leads to creation of variety of dosage forms with this substance with proven efficacy and high safety profile.

One of the most urgent areas of modern pharmacy is the creation of immunomodulators for children, due to the large number of children immunodeficiency. The range of modern immunomodulators approved for use in pediatric patients is presented mainly by synthetic drugs that have certain drawbacks. Nomenclature of immunomodulators of plant origin is extremely limited and is represented only by preparations of Echinacea.

Conclusions. Thus, given the extremely valuable property of glycyrrhizin acid to stimulate the production of gamma interferon in cell cultures of monocytes and lymphocytes - human macrophages perspective is the creation of different dosage forms with immunomodulatory effects for children from licorice.



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How to Cite

Rukhmakova ОА, Yarnykh ТG. Prospects of using licorice as an immunomodulator in pediatrics. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014May23 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:


