Update state of suppository bases’ assortment and factors of their selection


  • T. M. Litvinenko Zaporozhye State Medical University,




suppository bases, cocoa butter, oils


Introduction. At the present moment compounding of suppositories is a promising tendency considering that this dosage form has some advantages and is an alternative to the oral and parenteral medications. However not only active substances but excipients (suppository bases) also play a great role for achievement of desirable therapeutical effect.

The aim of this article is to research an assortment of suppository bases, their advantages and disadvantages and to present factors of selection.

Fatty bases are perhaps the most frequently employed suppository bases, principally because cocoa butter is a member of this group of substances. Among the other fatty or oleaginous materials used in suppository bases there are many hydrogenated fatty acids of vegetable oils such as palm kernel oil and cottonseed oil. Also, fat-based compounds containing compounds of glycerin with the higher molecular weight fatty acids, such as palmitic and stearic acids, may be found in fatty suppository bases.

The main members of water-soluble bases are polyethylene glycols and poloxomers. Various combinations of polyethylene glycols may be combined by fusion, using two or more of the various types to achieve a suppository base of the desired consistency and characteristics. Glycerin-gelatin base is composed of glycerin (5 p.), gelatin (1 p.), and purified water (2 p.).

Diphylic suppository bases contain hydrophylic and hydrophobic parts and make it possible to incorporate water solutions and oleaginous ingredients. Selection of the base involves the nature of the active substance, manufacturing procedures and physical-chemical characteristics.

Conclusions. It is apparent then, that a great number of suppository bases have been developed but none of them answers the requirements. So the search of new suppository bases is main problem of pharmaceutical technology. Also the necessity of new domestic bases development has been noted.



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How to Cite

Litvinenko TM. Update state of suppository bases’ assortment and factors of their selection. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014May23 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from: http://pharmed.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/24653



Pharmaceutical manufacturing