Morphological and anatomical studies of generative organs of lentil


  • S. V. Romanova National Pharmaceutical University,
  • M. A. Duchenko Vinnytsya National Medical University,
  • O. V. Gamulya National Pharmaceutical University,
  • V. N. Kovalyov National Pharmaceutical University,



lentil, morphology, anatomy, flower, beans and seeds


Lentil (Lens culinaris M.) which belongs to legume family (Fabaceae) is one of the oldest crops. The genus Lens is represented in the flora of the world by 7 species: L. culinaris, L. orientalis, L. odemensis, L. ervoides, L. nigricans, L. lamottei, L. tomentosus. In wild nature this species of lentils has not been found so far [2,6]. In the scientific literature there is no available information about the microscopic diagnostic features of generative organs of lentil, so it was appropriate to make an anatomical analysis of this plant organs for further standardization of raw materials.

Specimens have been prepared from freshly gathered and dried raw materials as well as materials, fixed in alcohol- water- glycerol mixture (1:1:1). Results have been recorded by camera Canon Power Shot A 610 and by Digital Camera DCE - 2 [1,3,4,5].

Peduncles of lentils are located in the leaf axils, shorter than the leaf. They turn into an elongated ending on top. Pedicels are clearly developed by the fruits they usually bent downwards. Calyx is 5- toothed, teeth are 5-6 times longer than the tube, narrow, elongated, of almost the same length. Corolla is papilionaceous, sail is round, wide back- ovate, with top notch and very short core. Upper stamen is free, other 9 are fused. Pestle is flattened from top to bottom. Stigma is small, capitate. Bean is flattened, rhombic, has 1-3 seeds, glabrous or pubescent, straw- yellow or brown. Seed has a lenticular shape, 3-9 mmin diameter, yellow- green [4].

The axis of inflorescence has a rounded shape with 5 edges. Stems are of beam type, each edge is located on one of the fibrovascular bundles of collateral types stalks is round. The rind parenchyma consists of 2-3 layers of thin-walled cells. The central cylinder is of beam type – 3 fibrovascular bundles. Stomata of anisocyt type (sometimes tetracyt). There are simple and capitate hairs in the epidermis. The stem in cross section has rounded-triangular shape.

Flower. Outer epidermal cells of petals are oblong, elongated along the axis of petals, slightly notched. Cuticle is wrinkled. Close to the base of petal cells are 4-6 sided. Cells of the inner epidermis are sinuos, thin-walled (Pic. 2(1b)). Stomata is of anisocyt type, round shape. Epidermis sepals parenchym are prosenchimic, cell walls are undulating. Simple hairs are flat, thin. They have two cells: a short basal and long terminal cells (Pic. 2(2a)). Glandular hair has a unicellular foot and a head with four cells. The number of cells in the head can vary from three to four, the position of cells the head of a hair changes (Pic. 2(2b).

Pestle. Cells of epidermis of ovary are parenchymal with straight walls. The lower part of the column and ovary is covered with capitate flattened hairs. They are 2-5 celled having a rounded upper cell. The column is covered with simple lagging hairs with a smooth surface and a large cavity on the top of the column (Pic. 2 (3b)).

Eksokarp is represented by one layer of the epidermis, which consists of prosenchimic, multifaceted , straight walled cells. Glandular hairs are similar to hairs of the cup. Mesokarp. Chlorophyll parenchyma consists of 3-4 rows of cells. This layer contains the fibrovascular bundles. The seam is a large bunch with a crystal cover. A raw of cells is located under the parenchyma on the edge. Endocarp. Mechanical fibers are arranged in 2-4 layers. Fibers are thick-walled which make the bean hard. Epidermis inside is colorless, thin-walled , many-sided cells with straight walls, loosely connected with mechanical fibers.

The epidermis of seeding rind outside is covered by the cuticle. Palisade epidermis consists of rows of narrow, elongated hypoderm. Behind the hypodermis there is a large celled, thin-walled parenchyma. Fabric cotyledons constructed from thin-walled cells filled with starch and aleurone grains.

Analyzing the features of the anatomical structure of the generative organs of lentil, we have identified the main characteristic diagnostic features: outer epidermal cells of the petals vary from the elongated panfractuose walled extended to 4 -6 –sided; simple unicellular hairs and 2-5 cell glandular hairs are typical for pistils; the characteristic features of calyx, peduncle, pedicel are simple two celled hairs with short basal and a long terminal cell and glandular hairs, which have a unicellular stalk and a four cellular head. The number of cells in the head can vary from three to four; beam type structure of the central cylinder pedicel and peduncle.


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How to Cite

Romanova SV, Duchenko MA, Gamulya OV, Kovalyov VN. Morphological and anatomical studies of generative organs of lentil. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014May23 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



Pharmacognosy and chemistry of natural compounds