The introduction of new technologies and financial support for the innovational pharmaceutical industry in the veterinary medicine sector based on the development of priority areas of the Ukrainian regions


  • I. V. Bushuieva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • N. M. Borysenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



innovations, financing, veterinary drugs, priority areas, development strategy, pharmaceutic industry, region



The purpose of the work was to monitor the level of financing of innovation activities and regional level technologies transfer by regions of Ukraine on the basis of medium-term priority directions of innovation activity of the strategic priority on the national level “Technological renewal and development of the agro-industrial complex” and to realization of regional innovation priorities on the development and introduction of the latest biotechnologies and veterinary security medicines for farm animals.

Materials and methods. Analytical, comparative, graphical, statistical, descriptive, generalization methods were used in the work. The research materials are normative-legislative acts, official information of regional state administrations on the results of innovation activities within the framework of regional development strategies (in 13 regions of Ukraine), regional programs of scientific-technical and innovation development for 2017–2018.

Results. The monitoring results give an opportunity: to assess the legal and regulatory framework for the formation of the medium-term priorities of the innovative activity of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) as a state and each individual region and the veterinary sector as a whole (taking into account the needs of the industry in veterinary medicines, veterinary supplies, premixes, vaccines, serum, diagnostic kits, etc.); to evaluate the financial support of medium-term priorities of the innovative activities by local budgets with the provision of veterinary medicines at the regional level; to evaluate the effectiveness of innovation activities for created, acquired and transmitted new technologies in the pharmaceutical sector of veterinary medicine; to compare the obtained indicators with the previous periods, to track their dynamics and the tendency of development of medium-term priority directions of innovation activity at the regional level; to use the results of monitoring in the formation of the list of medium-term priority directions of innovation activity at the regional level up to 2021 in the form of directing funds for struggling with animal diseases and, thus, creating safe conditions for human health.

Conclusions. The elaboration of the regulatory framework, namely, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from October 18, 2017 No. 980 “Some issues of determining the medium-term priority areas of innovation activity at the sectoral level for 2017–2021”, but this document needs to be improved in the areas of identification the priority directions of innovation activity in the pharmaceutical sector of veterinary medicines.



Deiaki pytannia vyznachennia serednostrokovykh priorytetnykh napriamiv innovatsiinoi diialnosti zahalnoderzhavnoho rivnia na 2017-2021 roky: Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 18.10.2017 roku №980. [Some issues of defining medium-term priority areas of innovation activity of the sectoral level for 2017-2021: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from October 18, 2017 №980]. Retrieved fromп. [in Ukrainian].

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(2017). Deiaki pytannia vyznachennia serednostrokovykh priorytetnykh napriamiv innovatsiinoi diialnosti zahalnoderzhavnoho rivnia na 2017-2021 roky: Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 18.10.2017 roku №980. [Some issues of defining medium-term priority areas of innovation activity of the sectoral level for 2017-2021: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from October 18, 2017 №980]. Retrieved fromп. [in Ukrainian].

(2018). Realizatsiia serednostrokovykh priorytetnykh napriamiv innovatsiinoi diialnosti v rehionakh Ukrainy u 2017 rotsi: Analitychna dovidka. [Implementing medium-term priority areas for innovation activity in regions of Ukraine in 2017: Analytical report]. Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].


How to Cite

Bushuieva IV, Borysenko NM. The introduction of new technologies and financial support for the innovational pharmaceutical industry in the veterinary medicine sector based on the development of priority areas of the Ukrainian regions. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2019Nov.21 [cited 2024Oct.24];(3). Available from:



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