The use of medicinal cosmetics in the complete treatment of rosacea


  • O. P. Kileeva Medical College of Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • I. V. Bushueva Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University, Ukraine,



medicinal cosmetics, rosacea, dermatosis, biologically active substances


The aim of work is to carry out literature analysis about etiology and pathogenesis, classification and methods for rosacea correction, to conduct marketing research of the pharmaceutical market of medical cosmetics, to identify the main groups of biologically active substances in their composition.

Materials and methods. In the course of the research we analyzed the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine for the availability of pharmaceutical cosmetics (price policy of the manufacturer) and the composition of biologically active substances.

Results. The medicinal cosmetic products (MCP) for the skin prone to couperose and rosacea are represented by the products of Ukraine and foreign manufacturers - namely, France, Canada, Poland and Russia. French anti-cure agents are represented by the following companies: Avene, La Roche, Ducray, Uriage, Lierac, Nuxe, Ukrainian – Stop Cuperoz, Polish - Clarena, Canada by Galderma and Russian – Cora.When reviewing the biologically active components of MCP presented in the market it is evident that they include a large number of extracts, vitamins, essential oils, vegetable oils, organic acids, as well as proprietary complexes. Predominantly, these substances are anti-inflammatory, venotonic, anti-edema, reduce vascular permeability and strengthen the walls of capillaries. Gel, lotions, tonics, emulsions, milk, creams and thermal water are selected as cosmetic forms.

Conclusions. On the basis of the literature analysis, the main causes of occurrence, pathogenesis of rosacea (couperose) and methods of its correction were established. Statistical and comparative methods were used in the research process. As a result of the research of the market of anticorrosion agents, it was established that MCP are represented by foreign manufacturers, the vast majority of which are French (75 %). 18.8 % of the data are made by manufacturers of Canada, Poland and Russia. Ukrainian MCP are represented by "PhytoBioTechnologies " – 6.25 %. As for dosage forms – creams prevail. There are also emulsions, tonics, milk, thermal water, masks, gels and lotions. There are groups of basic biologically active substances in the composition of MCP against couperose. Based on the research, the Ukrainian national market has the potential to introduce new medical forms, both national and foreign.



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How to Cite

Kileeva OP, Bushueva IV. The use of medicinal cosmetics in the complete treatment of rosacea. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2018Feb.16 [cited 2025Mar.9];11(1). Available from:



Original research