Competence: the categorical apparatus of higher pharmaceutical education


  • I. M. Alyeksyeyeva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



education, pharmacy, professional competence


Despite the institutional importance of the law on higher education legal category of “qualification”, as a result of a formal assessment and recognition of education, it should be also noted that in its articulation of the Law of Ukraine “On higher education” is not the ultimate/exhaustive, and referential.

Purpose – to study the content of this category, as well as for its full and deep understanding, and also the elucidation of additional interpretations of the concept of competence, which generally indicates the content of the qualification.

Materials and methods. To achieve the purpose of the study, the following basic methods have been used: bibliographic, linguistic, legal and content-rather-legal. In particular, the regulatory definition of “competence” of the modern professional and their role in higher education have been analyzed, and it has been proved that general definition of competence – is an integrated readiness/professional capacity for holistic efforts to solve practical problems of the corresponding qualification level (in the work, education or personal development).

Results. The study is further proof of the importance of finding the essence and content of competence as a criterion of quality education for the training of future medical and pharmaceutical workers. It was emphasized that the general encyclopedic sources and national regulations and international official documents contain the interpretation of the definitions of “competence/competence/competence/competent” in two planes, namely professional, like a circle of powers (rights and obligations), legal entities and individuals; and the academic/educational, as the availability of knowledge and experience to anyone, with anything awareness.

Conclusions. The study proved that the competence is a central element of the definition of “qualification” that determines its contents – formal criteria (knowledge, abilities, skills, ways of thinking, professional, philosophical and civic qualities, moral and ethical values), put the basis for assessing the level of preparedness, fitness degree graduate institution of higher education (including medical or pharmaceutical) to a certain type of professional work or further training or personal development.


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How to Cite

Alyeksyeyeva IM. Competence: the categorical apparatus of higher pharmaceutical education. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2017Feb.20 [cited 2025Mar.10];(1). Available from:



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