Particularly compliance violations in patients with diabetes mellitus of 2nd type


  • V. V. Chugunov Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • O. V. Tkachenko SI "Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine",
  • N. V. Danilevska Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



diabetes mellitus, medication compliance, mental disorders, diagnostics


Aim: to investigate and establish the specific complains violations in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) of 2nd type.

Materials and methods: 543 patients with DM of 2nd type were examined; the disease duration ranged from 2 to 27 years, average – (14.58 ± 1.82) years.

Research methods: clinical-anamnestic, clinical-psychopathological, psycho diagnostic, statistical.

Research results. We found that compliance to therapy in patients with DM of 2nd type was broken in 90.49 % of cases.

We highlighted three options for compliance violations to DM therapy of 2nd type: dismedication (to 68.14 %), disdiet (88.40 %) and disexercise (90.49 %).

The sub-variants of dismedication compliance violations to DM therapy of 2nd type was hyper-curation type (8.29 %), which was developed according to surplus of appointments execution and hypo-curation type (59.85 %), which was developed according to deficiency of appointments execution. Among them it was possible to distinguish a third – mixed version (7.37 %), which brings together episodes of the surplus and the deficit of medical drugs usage. The sub-options of disdiet option of compliance violations was hyper-curation type (1.66 %), which manifested itself in pathologically excessive rejection of food and hypo-curation type (86.74 %), which manifested itself in a disregard for the restrictions in the diet. Disexercise variant of compliance violations was possible to divide into hyper-curation type (4,24 %), manifested in excessive physical activity and, in its turn, had three subtypes – inceptional (1.66 %), sub-hyper-curation (1.10 %) and procurationis (1.47 %), and hypo-curation type of compliance violations (87.48 %), which manifested itself in a disregard of physical exertion. 

Dominance of disdiet and disexercise compliance violations among patients with DM of 2nd type (χ2 = 117.258, p < 0.01), dismedication option among patients of all hyper-curation types of compliance violations with DM of 2nd type (χ2 = 26.936, p < 0.01), disdiet and disexercise options among patients of all hypo-curation types of compliance violations with DM of 2nd type (χ2 = 156.922, p < 0.01) and hypo-curation type of compliance violation for all of its variants have been established.

The factors of compliance violations for each of the variants and types have been determined.


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How to Cite

Chugunov VV, Tkachenko OV, Danilevska NV. Particularly compliance violations in patients with diabetes mellitus of 2nd type. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2017Feb.20 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



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