The frequency of dentition defects among adults in Zaporіzhzhia, who applied for prosthetic treatment


  • B. N. Mirchuk Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University,
  • Y. V. Maksymov Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



jaw edentulous partially, prosthetic dentistry


Partial loss of teeth is one of the most common forms of dental system destruction in adulthood. The number of patients with dentition defects of the total population of Ukraine is 70-95%. The study of the prevalence of structural defects of dentition and their causes in the population makes it necessary to improve the development of new, effective approaches to the provision of prosthetic dental care.

The objective: to study the frequency of dentition defects and the need for prosthetics among adult patients referred for prosthetic treatment.

Materials and methods: The study involved 526 people aged from 20 to 60 and older, who have applied for prosthetic treatment. The diagnosis was established on the Kennedy classification. Patients were divided into 5 age groups: Group I - 149 patients (100 - women 49 - men) aged 20 to 30 years; Group II - 93 patients (61 - woman, 32 - men) aged 31 to 40 years old; Group III - 85 patients (49 - women 36 - men) aged 41 to 50 years; Group IV patients (74 - women 41 - men) aged between 51 and 60 years; Group V - 83 patients (55 - women 28 - men) aged 61 years and older.

Results: Among the 526 people who applied for prosthetic treatment, 74.4% had partial defects of dentition. Between the ages of 20-30 years it showed 5.5% more women with dentition defects than men. Between the ages of 31-40 years, the number of people with partial defects of dentition increased 2.4 times (from 27.00% to 64.85%). The most often were unilateral defects of dentition (Class III) from 34.4% in men to 50.8% for women. The increase in the number of patients with dentition defects is also observed in the 41-50 years old group, it is 1.4 times more in comparison to the previous group. Patients 51 - 60 years of age and older detected a significant increase in the number of defects of dentition compared with the age group 41 -50, respectively, 94.6% and 93.7% of people.

Conclusion: Thus, the studies have shown that 74.4% of those who applied for the prosthetic treatment had defects of dentition and the most common ones are unilateral bounded defects of dentition (Kennedy class III). Between the ages of 20-60 years, most patients had bridges made and those 40 years of age and up had a significantly increased number of dentures. Above all, dental implants were most commonly found in 51-60 year olds.


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How to Cite

Mirchuk BN, Maksymov YV. The frequency of dentition defects among adults in Zaporіzhzhia, who applied for prosthetic treatment. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2017Feb.20 [cited 2024Oct.24];(1). Available from:



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