Pathogenic effects of plasma thiols in patients with psoriasis on background of arterial hypertension


  • G. I. Makurina Zaporozhye State Medical University,



Nitric Oxide, Thiol-Disulfide Balance, Psoriasis, Essential Hypertension


Objective: to study the features of metabolism of nitric oxide and thiol-disulfide balance parameters in patients with psoriasis combined with essential hypertension.

Materials and metods. The study of thiol-disulfide balance and nitrogen metabolism were performed in 95 patients who were divided into 3 groups: Group I - psoriasis and hypertension - 25 people; II group - patients with psoriasis only - 30 and Group III - patients with hypertension only - 40 people. To assess psoriasis severity index we used Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI). The level of reduced and oxidized glutathione in plasma was evaluated with fluorometric method with further calculating their ratio.

Results. In patients with hypertension status thiol-disulfide systems change were fairly minimal compared to a group of patients with psoriasis only and comorbid disorders. During examination the patients with combined pathology of psoriasis and essential  hypertension in the progressive phase of the disease revealed significant changes in glutathione systems and free-radical oxidation, characterized by a significantly decrease in the content of reduced glutathione (16,5±0,48 mmol/l) and increased content of oxidized glutathione (3,23±0,06 mol/l), while reducing the activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (24,21±1,44 conventional units /mg protein/min) and reduction ratio of the recovered / oxidized glutathione to 5,1±0,26 conventional units. In patients with psoriasis with increasing severity of thiol-disulfide balance violations we recorded a significant deterioration in the clinical situation and reduced quality of life. These changes characterize the progression of endothelial dysfunction in these patients.

Conclusion. Formation of psoriasis progression was significantly associated with low functional capacity glutathione link of antioxidant system and with the inability to adequately replenish the pool of reduced glutathione.

Since oxidative stress arises not only when the redundancy of reactive oxygen forms, but also in the failure of the antioxidant system, the state of protective enzymes in the pathologically altered skin epidermis in the dynamics of the process and the pathogenesis of essential hypertension may be potential therapeutic targets.


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How to Cite

Makurina GI. Pathogenic effects of plasma thiols in patients with psoriasis on background of arterial hypertension. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2016Sep.22 [cited 2024Oct.24];9(3). Available from:



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