Gender dimorphism of indicators of heart rate, central hemodynamics and physical performance of runners on a distance of 100–200 meters


  • E. L. Mikhalyuk Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • M. V. Didenko Donetsk Medical-Sports Clinic,
  • S. N. Malakhova Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Gender Dimorphism, Runners On a Distance of 100-200 Meters, Heart Rate Variability, Central Hemodynamics, Physical Performance


Aim. The aim of the work is the comparative analysis of heart rate variability, central hemodynamics and physical performance of 136 athletes (80 men and 56 women), specializing in running of a distance of 100–200 meters.
Materials and methods. The groups were comparable according to sports qualification. We compared the indicators of 19 men runners - Master of Sports (MS) level, the Master of Sports of international class (MSIC) level, with 16 women runners of Honored Master of Sports (HMS) level, 14 men runners - Candidate of Master of Sports (CMS) level with 14 sportswomen of the same level, 24 men runners of 1 qualification with 10 women runners of 1 qualification and 23 men runners of II–III qualifications with 16 women runners of the same qualifications. It was found, that at athletes-sprinters level of MS–MSIC decrease in the sympathetic-adrenal link of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is noticeable, and differences in the type of circulations (in both groups dominated hypokinetic TC) are absent, value of PWC170/kg on 15.8% and IFS on 18.9% is significantly higher in men, than in women. In athletes-sprinters level of CMS (men) prevails sympathetic link of ANS, differences of TC are absent, value of PWC170/kg on 10.9% is significantly greater in men than in women. In athletes-sprinters of 1 qualification of both gender significant differences among the types of HRV and type of circulation are absent, the value of PWC170/kg in men was higher on 16.0%, than in women. In athletes-sprinters (men) of II–III qualifications enhancement of the sympathetic link of ANS have been observed; compared to women, the presence of eukinetic TC in both groups, and the value of PWC170/kg in men was on 9.0% higher (p<0.05), than in women.


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How to Cite

Mikhalyuk EL, Didenko MV, Malakhova SN. Gender dimorphism of indicators of heart rate, central hemodynamics and physical performance of runners on a distance of 100–200 meters. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2016Jun.10 [cited 2025Mar.7];(2). Available from:



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