The development of quantitative determination method of organic acids in complex poly herbal extraction


  • I. L. Dyachok Lviv National Medical University naimed after Danylo Halytskyj,
  • O. R. Pinyashko Lviv National Medical University naimed after Danylo Halytskyj,



Izovaleriс Acid, Organic Acids, Plant Extracts, Conductometry


Aim. The development of sensible, economical and expressive method of quantitative determination of organic acids in complex poly herbal extraction counted on izovaleric acid with the use of digital technologies.

Materials and methods. Model complex poly herbal extraction of sedative action was chosen as a research object. Extraction is composed of these medical plants: Valeriana officinalis L., Crataégus, Melissa officinalis L., Hypericum, Mentha piperita L., Húmulus lúpulus, Viburnum.

Based on chemical composition of plant components, we consider that main pharmacologically active compounds, which can be found in complex poly herbal extraction are: polyphenolic substances (flavonoids), which are contained in Crataégus, Viburnum, Hypericum, Mentha piperita L., Húmulus lúpulus; also organic acids, including izovaleric acid, which are contained in Valeriana officinalis L., Mentha piperita L., Melissa officinalis L., Viburnum; the aminoacid are contained in Valeriana officinalis L.

For the determination of organic acids content in low concentration we applied instrumental method of analysis, namely conductometry titration which consisted in the dependences of water solution conductivity of complex poly herbal extraction on composition of organic acids.

Result. The got analytical dependences, which describes tangent lines to the conductometry curve before and after the point of equivalence, allow to determine the volume of solution expended on titration and carry out procedure of quantitative determination of organic acids in the digital mode.

Conclusion. The proposed method enables to determine the point of equivalence and carry out quantitative determination of organic acids counted on izovaleric acid with the use of digital technologies, that allows to computerize the method on the whole.


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How to Cite

Dyachok IL, Pinyashko OR. The development of quantitative determination method of organic acids in complex poly herbal extraction. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2016Jun.10 [cited 2024Oct.24];(2). Available from:



Pharmacognosy and chemistry of natural compounds