The use of compaction in the manufacture of tablets


  • O. V. Tryhubchak Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Horbachevsky,
  • Т. А. Groshovyj Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Horbachevsky,
  • O. О. Yuryeva Central R&D Laboratory JSC «Farmak»,



Powders, Mechanical Processes, Tablets


In the production of tablets direct compression method, wet and dry granulationare used. Dry granulation can be used if materials have sufficient cohesive properties to form granules. Scientific publications of recent years clearly demonstrate the prospects of roller compaction using in pharmaceutical industry.

Aim. The aim of work is to generalize available data regarding to the use of compaction in the pharmaceutical industry.

Materials and methods. We have studied and analyzed the available scientific sources in order to generalize the available literature on the use of compacting in the production of the tablets. During this study we used methods of observation and systematization analysis.

Results. Materials for compaction characteristics of the process, its benefits and conditions of application have been collected and systematized, parameters of process have been selected, theories of compaction have been generalized, the characteristics and examples of compaction equipment have been adduced, and the key characteristics of the material used in the pharmaceutical industry have been demonstrated.

Compacting is dry granulation technology in which powder containing active ingredients and excipients are compacted between two opposing spinning rollers by applying mechanical pressure. Compared with the original powder, granules after compression are characterized by much better fluidity and higher density by reducing the volume. The roller consolidation process substantially affects the particle size distribution, flowability, homogeneity, pressing, compaction substances and excipients, therefore, can affect dissolution, time of disintegration, resistance to crushing, abrasion of tablets. The main parameters of compacting are seal and method of its application, conditions and speed of the process.

Conclusions. It has been established that the use of compacting decreases or increases particles size to form granules, which leads to improved performance of fluidity powder, granulation avoid moisture induced degradation, improve product stability, prevent segregation, reduction of bulk volume.This indicates the promising future for the compaction technology in the production of medicines that meet pharmaceutical requirements.


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How to Cite

Tryhubchak OV, Groshovyj ТА, Yuryeva OО. The use of compaction in the manufacture of tablets. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2016Jun.10 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:


