Background of standardization and regulation of training and use of pharmaceutical regular resource potential in XI–XVI centuries


  • M. S. Ponomarenko National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named by P. L. Shupik,
  • O. S. Soloviov National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named by P. L. Shupik,
  • T. M. Krasnianska Military Pharmacy Department of the Ukrainian Military-Medical Academy,
  • Yu. M. Grygoruk Vinnytsya National Medical University named by M. I. Pirogov,



Pharmacy Education, History of Medisine, Pharmacists


Since the beginning of creation the system of training and retraining, determining the specific role and significance of the pharmaceutical manpower from the XVI century to the present day, the discussions about their state-public organizing and permanent improvements scheme, including the system of pharmaceutical postgraduate education in accordance with the requirements of the European Union (EU) are held.

The purpose of the work lies in the fact that noopharmaceutical modern (non-pharmaceutical) opinion and assessment of historical events, traditions, their survival, national ethical mindset in the pharmaceutical business are extrapolated for the future reform of the sector in line with EU requirements. And on the stage of review of the conceptual characteristics of primary, medium and distant prospects, the positive experience is taken into account, rejecting the already proven negative position in reforming the pharmaceutical sector in the health sector according to European modern requirements.

Materials and methods. Historical literary and official sources, archival materials have been used. Modern Pharmacy memories of veterans “Figures in pharmacy” have been used.

Results. Personnel policy contributes to fight against corruption and mafia in pharmacy. This way legal and regulatory policy will accelerate the destruction of pharmaceutical, pseudo productive and alcohol-drug mafia. Regulatory policy in the pharmaceutical sector will normalize events, which will provide state control quality of drugs - implementation of EU rules, attractiveness and interest of foreign manufacturers to the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine [20-30], including the preparation of qualified pharmacists (bachelors, masters), other professionals of pharmacy and industrial pharmacy.

Conclusions. The main stages of development of the property (material) and human resources to provide medical treatment and patients have been detected. The basic steps of transformation and delimitation of professional functions pharmacist-physician have been set.


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How to Cite

Ponomarenko MS, Soloviov OS, Krasnianska TM, Grygoruk YM. Background of standardization and regulation of training and use of pharmaceutical regular resource potential in XI–XVI centuries. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2016Jun.10 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:


