Synthesis of 5-(phenoxymethyl)-4-R-alkylthio-1,2,4-triazoles and its further oxidation to 3-alkylsulfonylderivatives


  • Yu. M. Kucheryavyi Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • A. G. Kaplaushenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • F. Al Zedan Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



1, 2, 4-triazole, Synthesis, Chemical Properties, 3-alkyl, HPLC-MS


The rapid development of new "civilization diseases" is one of the negative manifestations of modern technological progress. These diseases include obesity, atherosclerosis, allergy, depression and others. Some of them are still difficulty treated. This fact significantly affects the level of human development. The cause of the problem is the lack of basic researches and the lack of medicines for treatment. Considering these facts, scientists of medical and pharmaceutical industry are working on actual problems.

Aim. We have synthesized a series of new 5-(phenoxymethyl)-4-R-alkylthio-1,2,4-triazoles and have conducted its oxidation to corresponding 3-alkylsulfonylderivatives to create new original drugs.

Methods and results. Twenty new chemical compounds have been received and its structure has been set using modern physical and chemical methods of analysis.

Conclusion. This fact suggests the possibility to carry out further biological experiments.


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How to Cite

Kucheryavyi YM, Kaplaushenko AG, Al Zedan F. Synthesis of 5-(phenoxymethyl)-4-R-alkylthio-1,2,4-triazoles and its further oxidation to 3-alkylsulfonylderivatives. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2015Nov.3 [cited 2025Jan.30];(3). Available from:



Synthesis of the biologically active compounds