Comparative analysis of pharmaceutical education in Ukraine and some countries of the world


  • T. P. Zarichnaya



Pharmacy Education, Health Manpower, Comparative Study


The entry of Ukraine into the world community is impossible without structural reform of the national higher education system, including pharmaceutical.

Aim. In order to improve the national system for training pharmaceutical staff were studied by comparative analysis of the pharmaceutical education in Ukraine and some countries in Europe, some post-Soviet countries and the USA.

Results. Established researched European countries where higher education by getting the main provisions of the Bologna process, there are disadvantages and advantages. The latter can be applied in the national system of pharmaceutical education.

Conclusions. Pharmaceutical education systems of the former Soviet Union (Russia, Kazakhstan) has no significant differences from similar systems in Ukraine.

USA pharmaceutical education differs significantly from the Bologna process, thus has its advantages, which our education system can learn from their experience.


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How to Cite

Zarichnaya TP. Comparative analysis of pharmaceutical education in Ukraine and some countries of the world. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2015Jul.14 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:


