The study of structural-mechanical properties of diltiazem suppositories


  • L. К. Kuchina
  • S. А. Gladyshevа
  • I. A. Puchalskaya



Diltiazem, Suppositories, Transition Temperature, Rheology, «Mechanical Phenomena»


Using alternative ways of diltiazem absorption, in particular, rectal, will allow to improve its bioavailability and efficiency.

Aim. To study the structural-mechanical properties of diltiazem suppositories.

Methods and results. For the investigation of the influence of temperature of suppository manufacturing technological process on the structural-mechanical properties of diltiazem rectal dosage rheological properties of the suppository mass with diltiazem on the factory fat base with 2% of distilled monoglycerides has been studied.

Conclusion. It has been determined that temperature 50-55ºС for the technological operations of homogenization and pouring suppositories is optimal and necessary fluidity of the suppository mass with even distribution of active substances and excipients is provided.


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How to Cite

Kuchina LК, Gladyshevа SА, Puchalskaya IA. The study of structural-mechanical properties of diltiazem suppositories. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2015Jul.14 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



Pharmaceutical manufacturing