Determination of biologically active compounds in lipophilic extracts of pumpkin using thin layer chromatography


  • E. A. Degtyaryovа
  • V. A. Grudko
  • L. I. Vishnevskaya
  • E. I. Bisaga



Cucurbita, Biologically Active Connections, Carotenoids, Phytosterols, Thin Layer Chromatography


Aim. Carotenoids are a common and important class of natural fat-soluble pigments. The prevention of free radicals formation is the carotenoid’s primary effect. One of the tasks while creating medicines which contain carotenoids is the identification of them in plant objects.

Methods and results. Our purpose is the determination of biologically active compounds in lipophilic extracts of pumpkin using thin layer chromatography. The article presents the experimental study of solvent systems. Although, different developers which are recommended in literature have been chosen and investigated, As a result biologically active compounds of the lipophilic character have been identified, β-carotene has been identified, solvents and reagents for the identification of β-carotene have been selected.

Conclusion. This method can be included to the quality control methods to determine β-carotene in the lipophilic pumpkins extracts.


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How to Cite

Degtyaryovа EA, Grudko VA, Vishnevskaya LI, Bisaga EI. Determination of biologically active compounds in lipophilic extracts of pumpkin using thin layer chromatography. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2015Jul.14 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



Pharmacognosy and chemistry of natural compounds