Flash Chromatography Application for Risperidone Purification


  • G. S. Trush
  • I. Y. Halkevych




Risperidone, Flash Chromatography, Liver


Relevance. Biological samples for forensic-chemical investigation are complicated multi-component systems.

Aim of our investigations is the study of robustness and validity of purification technique applying the flash chromatography for purification of acidic extracts from biological tissues.

Methods and results. It is established that 78.4 – 83.4 % of risperidone was isolated from liver tissues by water acidified with oxalic acid, than proteins precipitated by ammonia sulphate, and finally purificated on GraceResolv Silica 5g/25ml cartridges. Eluent was 0.5% solution of ammonia in ethanol.

Conclusion. The data shows that tried columns can be effectively applied for extracts from biological tissues purification and risperidone concentrating in forensic-toxicological practice.


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How to Cite

Trush GS, Halkevych IY. Flash Chromatography Application for Risperidone Purification. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2015Jul.14 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from: http://pharmed.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/45124



Analysis and standardization of biologycally active substances and dosage forms