Substantiation of the active ingredients rational concentration of ointment for treatment of allergic dermatitis complicated by fungal infection


  • O. A. Rukhmakova
  • T. G. Yarnykh
  • L. N. Maloshtan
  • E. Yu. Yatsenko
  • Esam Zurgani A. Zegkhdani



Ointment, Chemical Actions and Uses, Dermatitis, Mycoses


Aim. Due to the rapid growth of number of allergic skin diseases complicated by secondary fungal infection, creation of new drugs with an integrated anti-allergic and anti-fungal action for their local treatment is especially important.

Methods and results. In the process of developing an ointment under conventional name “Allergolik” microbiological studies have been conducted to determine its rational composition. Concentrations of licorice root extract, terbinafine hydrochloride and lavender essential oil have been substantiated as parts of the studied medication. Study of acute toxicity of the developed dosage form has set that it belongs to the IV class of low-toxic substances due to the standard classification of K.K. Sidorova.

Conclusion. This testifies the correctness of the choice of drug active ingredients and their concentrations.


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How to Cite

Rukhmakova OA, Yarnykh TG, Maloshtan LN, Yatsenko EY, Zegkhdani EZA. Substantiation of the active ingredients rational concentration of ointment for treatment of allergic dermatitis complicated by fungal infection. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2015Jul.14 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



Experimental and clinical pharmacology