The acute toxicity of 5-thio-substituted 3-(5-bromofuran-2-yl)-4-ethyl-(4H)-1,2,4-triazole derivatives


  • E. S. Pruglo
  • A. I. Panasenko
  • E. G. Knysh



Acute Toxicity Test, 1, 2, 4-triazole, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Lethal Dose 50


Aim. Research of the acute toxicity of new compounds could prevent the development of compounds with high pharmacological activity, which exhibit undesirable pharmacological properties. Therefore, on the first stages of research the study of the acute toxicity of new compounds is quite actual.

Methods and results. For further research of the pharmacological properties of the synthesized compounds the acute toxicity of 5-thio-substituted 3-(5-bromofuran-2-yl)-4-ethyl-(4H)-1,2,4-triazole derivatives has been examined on white nonlinear rats by V. B. Prozorovskiy method (2007). The comparative evaluation of researched parameters for newly synthesized 3-(5-bromofuran-2-yl)-4-ethyl-4H-1,2,4-triazole-5-thione derivatives and already applicable drugs, which are 1,2,4-triazole derivatives has been performed.

Conclusion. It has been established that the acute toxicity of the test compounds is in the ranges from 331 to 713 mg/kg, which indicates their low toxicity and classifies them to the IV-th class of toxicity.


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How to Cite

Pruglo ES, Panasenko AI, Knysh EG. The acute toxicity of 5-thio-substituted 3-(5-bromofuran-2-yl)-4-ethyl-(4H)-1,2,4-triazole derivatives. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2015Jul.14 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



Experimental and clinical pharmacology