Determining safety of betacarboclomet cream in epidermal delivery to the body of animals


  • G. M. Voytenko
  • Aram Dullah
  • I. O. Vlasenko
  • L. L. Davtyan



Ointments, Toxicity Tests, Drug Evaluation, Predinical


Aim. The article is devoted to safety determining of newly developed drug as one of the important stages of preclinical evaluation in the organization of industrial manufacturing.  

Methods and results. The study of safety of newly developed Betacarboclomet cream in epidermal delivery to the body showed that the LD50 of Betacarboclomet exceeds to 2000 mg/kg. Significant changes in body mass the animals after dermal application of cream and in control group animals have not been determined. A post-mortem examination of internal organs and tissues of animals after dermal application of Betacarboclomet at a dose of 2000 mg/kg revealed no signs of pathological changes, hemocirculatory disorders or inflammatory reactions.

Conclusion. The results of the study allow referring Betacarboclomet to toxicity Class V (virtually non-toxic substance).


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How to Cite

Voytenko GM, Dullah A, Vlasenko IO, Davtyan LL. Determining safety of betacarboclomet cream in epidermal delivery to the body of animals. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2015Jul.14 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



Experimental and clinical pharmacology