Liquid dosage forms with antibacterial activity


  • O. I. Mykhalyk



Anti-Infective Agents, Fluorenes, Local Dosage Forms


The development and implementation of effective liquid medicines with antiseptic action on the basis of new substances and their complex combinations into medical practice is an important task of modern pharmaceutical and medical science. In the "National List of Essential medicines and medical devices" on anatomical, therapeutic and chemical classification the code D10AE was assigned to antiseptic preparations.The Purpose was to study modern liquid medications with antiseptic action in regulatory documents of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, State Formulary of drugs.Antiseptic and disinfectants are separated by the chemical structure into inorganic compounds (halogens and halogencontaining substances, oxidants, acids, alkalis, compounds of heavy metals) and organic compounds (aliphatic: aldehydes, alcohols), detergents (surface-active substances), aromatic: phenol derivatives (as birch tar containing phenol, toluene, xylene, tar, etc.), nitrofuran and hydroxyquinoline compounds, dyes, antibiotics for topical use (microcide, novoimaninum, gramicidin).Boric acid, ethanol, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green and the most efficient – iodine preparations appeared under antiseptic preparations in Compendium up to 2000.Iodine preparations containing elemental iodine are particularly distinguished among the halogens. In modern medical practice, pharmaceutical compositions of iodine molecules in polymeric compounds (Iodinolum, Iodopiron, Iodovidon, Рovidone – iodine) are among the most important ones. Introduction of iodine into  molecules of polymeric compounds makes it possible to preserve a wide range of antimicrobial, fungicidal, antiviral activity, neutralize toxicity when injected into the body of higher animals and humans.In the pharmaceutical and medical practice Dimexidum (DMSO) has been used for a long period as a solvent and medication. Modern effective drug with antimicrobial and antiviral action containing Іodine, Glycerin and Dimexidium called Ioddicerinum is used in clinical practice .In the State Formulary of drugs large group of medicines is represented by 5-nitrofuran derivatives (Furacilin, Furazolidone, Furaplast, Lifusolum). Currently  the most effective antiseptics include surfactants (Chlorhexidine). The newest agents with wide range of indications comprise Miramistinum, Decametoxine. A well-known Ethakridine lactate (syn. Rivanolum) belongs to acridine group and it is used in a variety of dosage forms. Dioxidin as a quinoxaline derivative is an  active ingredient of the drug Dioxisolum.In Ukraine since 2000, a new class of drugs, namely derivatives of fluorene, was introduced into medical practice. Its derivatives are well-known antivirals Florenal and Amixin .Search for highly efficient broad-spectrum agents among fluorenes led to the creation of Flurenizide, which is the Preparation with antimicrobial, antichlamydial, immunomodulting, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antiinflammatory and antiviral actions. Indicators of antiviral activity of Flurenizide exceed those of Amixin.Based on Flurenizide new liquid medicines have been developed to treat skin infections. Among them are Flumexide (2 % suspension of Flurenizide in 30% aqueous solution of Dimexidum), antiseptic solution of 1% Flupetsal, liquid antydemodex agent Flulotion.Development of  various pharmaceutical compositions used on Flurenizide is important in treatment of skin infections.


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How to Cite

Mykhalyk OI. Liquid dosage forms with antibacterial activity. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2015Mar.3 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:


