Peculiarities of oxidative modification of proteins indices in blood plasma of the female rats’ offspring with experimental gestational diabetes depending on sex, age and basal glycemia level




Catalase, Blood Glucose, Animal Experimentation, Gestational Diabetes


Analysis of products of oxidative modification of proteins (OMP) in correlation with plasma catalase activity will help us to define the state of oxidative stress parameters in the normal animals and in the female rats’ offspring with experimental gestational diabetes (EGD). Itwilldefine their role in organism’s reorganization aimed to activation of compensatory and defensive mechanisms both at the cellular level and at the level of homeostasis. We’ll also define its alteration in animals with the prenatal negative influence of chronic hyperglycemia.

The aim of research wasto study peculiarities of OMP parameters and plasma catalase activity of the female rats’offspring with EGD in dependence on sex, age and basal glycemia level.

Materials and methods.The research was carried out on 80 rats (males and females) offspring of the female rats with normal pregnancy and 80 offspring (males and females) of the female rats with EGD. The animals were grouped by the age 2, 4, 6 and 18 months; 20 animals in each group. Animals were freely allowed to standard food and water. When animals reached appropriate age they were decapitated under thiopental anesthesia (40 mg/kg). Glucose was measured by glucose oxidative method in all groups of animals.

In order to define the intensity of oxidative reactions in blood plasma of laboratory animals the degree of OMP by Halliwell method was done. Wemeasuredlevelofaldehydephenylhydrazone (APH) which is thought to be as early mark of proteins oxidation, and ketonephenylhydrazone (KPH) which is referred to late mark of protein destruction. The state of antioxidative system was evaluated by plasma catalase activity with the help of spectrophotometric method. The obtained data was processed by statistic programs VIDAS-2.5 (Kontron Elektronik, Германия), EXCEL MS Office 2007 (Microsoft Corp., США), STATISTICA 6.0 (Stat-Soft, 2001).

Results and discussion. In the present research, we have observed the decrease of plasma catalase activity with the age both in male and female normal rats. But in female rats catalase activity increases by 12% (pSt<0,05) to senile age, whereas in male rats it remains stable. The decrease of catalase activity is accompanied by increase of APH and KPH concentration (in induced OMP) by 33% (pSt<0,05) and 21% (pSt<0,05) respectively in 4 months old male rats. At the age of 6 months both in males and females content of OMP products – APH  and KPH increases.

In males APH and KPH in spontaneous OMP increases in 2 times (pSt<0,05) and by 36% (pSt<0,05) respectively; induced OMP  caused the increase of KPH by 16% (pSt<0,05). In female rats at the same age APH and KPH increases by 89% (pSt<0,05) and 32% (pSt<0,05) respectively at spontaneous OMP, and by 9% (pSt<0,05) and 47% (pSt<0,05) respectively at induced OMP. At the age of 18 months accumulation of KPH increases by 17% (pSt<0,05) in females and by 27% (pSt<0,05) in males.

We established the decrease of plasma catalase activity in offspring of the female rats with EGD in all age groups (both males and females). In the age of 18 months female rats demonstrated 1,8 time decrease (pSt<0,05) of plasma catalase activity; male rats 4-times decrease (pSt<0,05) of it. The “exhaustion” of antioxidative system was accompanied by oxidative destruction of protein molecules, which was manifested with the increase of the parameters of spontaneous and induced oxidative modification of proteins both in male and female rats.

Conclusions.The most expressed alterations in the antioxidativesystem are observed in animals, which age corresponds to hormonal rearrangement; they are dependent on intensity of metabolic processes and adaptive abilities of the organism. The most expressed changes of oxidative stress parameters are manifested in male offspring of the female rats with EGD; at the same time alterations in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism develop which progress with the age of the animals.



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How to Cite

Gancheva OV. Peculiarities of oxidative modification of proteins indices in blood plasma of the female rats’ offspring with experimental gestational diabetes depending on sex, age and basal glycemia level. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2015Mar.3 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



Experimental and clinical pharmacology