
  • O. G. Smalyuh



Drug Combination, Volatile Oils, Gas Chromatography, Analysis


Introduction.The aim of our study was to develop the method for identification and assay of essential oils of mint and turmeric in complex medicinal product in capsule form.

         Materials and method.The paper used samples of turmeric and mint essential oils and complex drug, in the form of capsules containing oil of peppermint, oil of Curcuma longa, a mixture of extracts sandy everlasting (Helichrysumarenarium (L.) Moench), marigold (Caléndulaofficinális L), wild carrot (Daucussarota) and Curcuma longa (Curcuma longa).

         Results and discussion. The structure of the complex drug is dry extract sand everlasting flowers, wild carrot extract of marigold flowers and fruits thick, dry extract of Curcuma longa and essential oils of peppermint and turmeric.

According to the research of different samples of peppermint oil, and given the need for its identification and quantification of the finished medicinal product, we have decided to choose menthol as analytical marker.

In order to establish the identity of complex drug its main components - Ar- turmeric, α-and β- turmeric, and their total content must meet the quantitative indicators "content turmerics" in the specifications for turmeric oil.

Past studies of sample preparation conditions allowed to offer 96% ethanol to extract oil components from the sample; ultrasonic and centrifugation to improve removal of the capsule weight. Cromatographiccharacteristics of substances was obtained by column firm Agilent, HP-Innowax. It has been established that other active pharmaceutical ingredients capsule (placebo) did not affect the quantification of the components of essential oils of mint and turmeric.


1. Chromatographic conditions of identification and assay of essential oils of mint and turmeric in a complex drug and optimal conditions for sample preparation and analysis by gas chromatographyhave been studied.

2. Methods for identification and assay of menthol, α-, β- and Ar- turmerics in complex drug based on extracts and essential oils of mint and turmeric by gas chromatography has been developed.

3. Anassay criterion studied capsules, menthol content of 2.0 mg to 4.5 mg turmerics, content of 2.0 mg to 5.0 mg, based on the average weight of the contents of the capsule.


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How to Cite

Smalyuh OG. THE DEVELOPMENT OF METHOD FOR MINT AND TURMERIC ESSENTIAL OILS IDENTIFICATION AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS IN COMPLEX DRUG. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2015Mar.3 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



Analysis and standardization of biologycally active substances and dosage forms