The research of domestic market of drugs for local application in chronic venous insufficiency


  • O. V. Lukienko
  • H. I. Kvitchata
  • D. V. Okley
  • S. V. Plis



Сhronic Venous Insufficiency, Topical Drug Administration, Marketing


Aim. Providing Ukrainian market with drugs for the treatment of dangerous diseases, in particular chronic venous insufficiency is an actual issue. In order to assess the domestic pharmaceutical market of angioprotectors for local treatment of CVI the following parameters have been conducted: the country of the manufacturer, type of dosage form, the active ingredient.

Methods and results. Domestic pharmaceutical market of drugs for local application in therapy of chronic venous insufficiency consists of 58,3% of drugs of foreign production, Ukrainian drugs consist of 41,7%. The most widespread form of drugs in this group are gels (84%), the share of creams and ointments is about 8%. More than 36% local medicinal agents are produced on the basis of heparinum, a quarter of escinum, 22% is troxerutinum, and about 17% of other active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Conclusion. Assortment of local angioprotectors, which are registered in Ukraine, provides a choice of drugs for effective local therapy.


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How to Cite

Lukienko OV, Kvitchata HI, Okley DV, Plis SV. The research of domestic market of drugs for local application in chronic venous insufficiency. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014Nov.12 [cited 2025Mar.4];(3). Available from:



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