Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice 2409-2932 2306-8094 Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University 10.14739/2409-2932.2024.3.313140 Determination and analysis of gene expression involved in glucose metabolism under the conditions of the development of experimental diabetes of dexamethasone type (type 2 diabetes) Ivanenko T. V. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6617-5178 Vynokurova A. V. https://orcid.org/0009-0008-5380-6071 Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Ukraine

Correspondence to: Taras Ivanenko ivanenko.tv@zsmu.zp.ua

08 11 2024 17 3 262 266 uk

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common and serious chronic diseases today, which has become a global health care problem. Type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90–95 % of all cases of diabetes and significantly affects patients’ quality life due to the development of numerous complications, such as cardiovascular diseases, chronic renal failure, retinopathy, neuropathy. Modern research in the field of diabetology pays considerable attention to the understanding of the genetic mechanisms of the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, which makes it possible to develop new approaches to its diagnosis and treatment. Individualization of laboratory diagnostics and treatment, which considers the genetic, metabolic and clinical characteristics of each patient, is a key direction in improving the effectiveness of the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a complex polygenic disease, that develops under the influence of both genetic and external factors, which requires an integrated approach to its diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Taking into account the constant increase in the prevalence of this disease, the relevance of scientific research in this area is beyond doubt. The development of new pharmacological agents, improvement of laboratory diagnostic strategies and individualization of treatment are key directions for overcoming the problem of type 2 diabetes and improving the quality of life of patients.

The aim of the work: identification and analysis of genes panel, involved in glucose metabolism under the conditions of the development of experimental type 2 diabetes.

Materials and methods. Analysis of the gene expression, involved in glucose metabolism was performed using the real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction method CFX-96 Touch™ (Bio-Rad, USA) using the RT2Profiler™ PCR Array Rat Diabetes kit (QIAGEN, Germany).

Results. Based on the results of the PCR study, the activity of the studied genes involved in glucose metabolism can be divided as follows: G6pc, Gpd1 – genes with high expression compared to the control group of animals; Ace, Acly, Foxg1, Foxp3, Gcgr, Gck, Gsk3b, Hmox1, Pygl, Snap23, Snap25 – genes with low expression compared to the control group of animals; Cebpa, Dpp4, Sell – genes in which no changes were detected in the samples in relation to the control group of animals; Ccr2, Fbp1, Gcg – genes, whose expression was not detected.

Conclusions. The development of dexamethasone type 2 diabetes significantly (where ∆∆Ct <30) increases the expression of Gpd1 genes by 8 times and G6pc by 2 times compared to the control group of animals. During the development of type 2 dexamethasone diabetes, significantly (where ∆∆Ct <30) the Gsk3b and Hmox1 genes had a 17-fold low expression; Pygl at 11; Foxg1 in 7; Gck in 6; Ace and Foxp3 in 4; Acly in 3; Gcgr, Snap23, Snap25 in 2 times compared to the control group of animals. The expression of Ccr2, Fbp1, Gcg genes during the development of type 2 dexamethasone diabetes was not detected.

pancreas diabetes genes insulin insulin resistance laboratory diagnosis http://pharmed.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/313140 http://pharmed.zsmu.edu.ua/article/download/313140/305702