Health-preserving physical culture and wellness competences as an important condition for ensuring and spreading a high level of public health (methodological aspects)




public health, physical education, physical education and training, health-preserving competencies, building one’s own health


WHO indicates that the purpose of actions aimed at strengthening public health protection is to ensure conditions under which people can remain healthy, able to strengthen health and well-being, and prevent deterioration of health. However, in the basic documents, there is no place for health-preserving physical culture and health-improving competencies of a person in the system of general efforts.

The aim of the work is to reveal the need and place of health-preserving physical culture and wellness competencies of a person as a condition for ensuring and spreading a high level of public health in Ukraine.

Material and methods. The study was organized at the Dnipro State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, the National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnic” (all in Dnipro) and the Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University. The used methods of theoretical research were: study and generalization of data from domestic and foreign official and literary sources, as well as abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction.

Results. Conceptual principles and didactic technology of physical education of a non-professional physical education (NpPhE), with an emphasis on strengthening the general cultural component of the educational component “Physical education” in higher education, aimed at eliminating existing shortcomings. Provided with pedagogical technology, NpPhE contributes to the formation of the building blocks of one’s own health. And the system of effective pedagogical mechanisms of NpPhE is significantly different from the provision of information about health, which is the subject of modern valeology. In this context, the development of conceptual directions of creative valeology is relevant, as a means of supporting a person’s creativity in a safe effect on health. Namely, the formation in institutions of higher education of the builders of their own health.

Conclusions. A system of pedagogical mechanisms is proposed, which is significantly different from just providing information about human health as a benefit/harm of influences and actions, which is what valeology is focused on. This is a prerequisite for the formation and development of creative concepts of modern valeology based on the improvement of cultural and practical components of the educational component “Physical education” in the conditions of a higher education institution for specialists who take care of building their own health from specialties related to civilians. In conditions where the majority of their graduates are engaged not in physical, but intellectual work, the further implementation of approaches related to professional-applied physical training for professional activities is something that it is time to abandon.

Author Biographies

A. M. Hurieieva, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor of Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine, Physical Education and Health

V. V. Prykhodko, Prydniprovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, Dnipro, Ukraine

PhD, DSc, Professor, Head of Department of Theories and Methods of Sports Training

O. V. Sheviakov, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro

PhD, DSc, Professor of Department of Finance, Accounting and Psychology

S. A. Chernihivska, Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor of Department of Physical Education and Sports

V. M. Vilianskyi, Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine

Head of Department of Physical Education and Sports; Honored Coach of Ukraine

O. O. Cherepok, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Ukraine

MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine


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How to Cite

Hurieieva AM, Prykhodko VV, Sheviakov OV, Chernihivska SA, Vilianskyi VM, Cherepok OO. Health-preserving physical culture and wellness competences as an important condition for ensuring and spreading a high level of public health (methodological aspects). Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2024Nov.8 [cited 2025Feb.22];17(3):273-81. Available from: