Development and validation of the methods of captopril spectrophotometric determination in blood by the reaction with the Ellman reagent


  • L. Yu. Klimenko
  • Z. V. Showkova
  • O. Ye. Mykytenko
  • A. G. Kaplaushenko



Validation Studies, Analitical Chemistry Techniques, Captopril, Ellman’s reagent, Spectrophotometry


Aim. To rationalize quantitative determinations in forensic and toxicological analysis, the possibility to use the method of standard for analytes quantitative determination in biological fluids has been studied.

Methods and results. The series of spectrophotometric methods of captopril quantitative determination in blood based on reaction with the Ellman reagent has been developed using amphiphylic solvents (isopropanol, acetonitrile, methanol) in condition of aqueous phase saturation by ammonium sulphate. Validation of the developed methods in the variant of the method of standard has been carried out, conformityof the obtained values of validation parameters to the acceptability criteria has been shown.

Conclusion. It has been set that acetonitrile application in the acid medium (рН=2) is optimal.



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How to Cite

Klimenko LY, Showkova ZV, Mykytenko OY, Kaplaushenko AG. Development and validation of the methods of captopril spectrophotometric determination in blood by the reaction with the Ellman reagent. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014Nov.12 [cited 2025Mar.7];(3). Available from:



Analysis and standardization of biologycally active substances and dosage forms