Chromatographic determination of volatile compounds of Achillea micranthoides Klok. et Krytzka




Achillea micranthoides Klok. et Krytzka, gas chromato-mass-spectrometry, volatile compounds, ethanol extracts


The processes of free radical oxidation are known to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Therefore, the use of antioxidants is considered both pathogenetically justified and rational. Plants belonging to the genus Achillea L. are noted for their diverse content of biologically active substances, which contributes to their antioxidant activity. Given the availability of raw materials and the high biological activity of volatile compounds, it is particularly advisable to explore promising species within the genus Achillea L., such as yarrow (Achillea micrantoides Klok. et Krytzka). Yarrow is widespread in Ukraine, characterized by a long vegetation period, and holds promise for further pharmacognostic study.

Aim. The purpose of the work is to study the volatile compounds of the yarrow extract (Achillea micrantoides Klok. et Krytzka) and to establish their component composition.

Materials and methods. The Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) method and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) on an Agilent Technology 7890 B chromatograph were employed to determine the component composition of volatile compounds in Achillea micranthoides Klok. et Krytzka. The NIST14 mass spectral library was utilized for identifying the components of the samples.

Results. Identification of volatile compound components was carried out by chromatography of ethyl acetate extracts from the leaves and inflorescences of the subject TLC in the mobile phase ethyl acetate – toluene (5:95). By the gas method Chromatography-mass spectrometry determined the presence of 30 volatile compounds of grass A. micranthoides Klok. et Krytzka, 26 of the compounds were identified, which accounted for 86.76 % of the total number of compounds.

Author Biographies

I. F. Duyun, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Ukraine

PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

S. V. Panchenko, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Ukraine

PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology and Botany


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How to Cite

Duyun IF, Panchenko SV. Chromatographic determination of volatile compounds of Achillea micranthoides Klok. et Krytzka. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2024Feb.23 [cited 2025Mar.7];17(1):26-30. Available from: