Application trends of the systemic paradigm in pharmaceutical research




systems paradigm, systems analysis, pharmacy research, pharmaceutical care, patient-centered care


Pharmacists use systematic knowledge to study the regularities of complex, multilevel systems with a considerable number of variable, feedback connections between them in order to find or make rational management decisions. However, the level and direction of application of the system paradigm of knowledge in pharmacy remain to the end do not determine.

The aim of our research is to identify trends in the application of a systemic paradigm in modern pharmaceutical research to outline promising directions in pharmaceutical science for raising the level of pharmaceutical assistance to the population.

Materials and methods. The research material was publications of fundamental and applied research of domestic and foreign scientists on the raised issue, scientific and methodical publications, dissertations on the repositions of medical and pharmaceutical universities of Ukraine, and database PubMed for the last 20 years.

Results. The research, analysis, and systematization of 59 scientific works of domestic scientists on the application of system paradigms in pharmaceutical research by different applied values were carried out. Namely this pharmaceutical provision for diseases of different nosology, management of pharmaceutical organizations (including regulation, logistics), assessment of medical technologies, social pharmacy (including patient-centered model), pharmaceutical marketing (including pricing, information support), and systems architecture.

Conclusions. The developed array of information sources showed the significant spread of system methodology, approach, and system method. However, the issue of a coordinated and integral definition of the pharmaceutical system remains open. Perspective has seen the application of system analysis and modeling of pharmaceutical systems with modern computer technologies with the further realization of results in the patient’s health care system to increase the level of pharmaceutical care.

Author Biographies

T. V. Mahanova, Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University, Ukraine

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy

N. О. Tkachenko, Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University, Ukraine

PhD, DSc, Head of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Mahanova TV, Tkachenko NО. Application trends of the systemic paradigm in pharmaceutical research. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2023Mar.10 [cited 2025Feb.5];16(1):74-82. Available from:


