Enhancing mental activity and cognitive independence through information and communication technologies in students pharmacist cosmetologist


  • B. S. Burlaka




Thinking, Information Technology


The aim of research is to summarize the techniques used at the Department of Drug Technologyof Zaporozhye State Medical University to enhance mental performance and cognitive independence of pharmacists-cosmetologistsstudent.

Results and discussion.In order to present summary information on the characteristics of cause-effect relationships for students we use lecture as method of teaching. Duration of lectures is two academic hours. Students focus on the presentation of all the sections of thematic plan. Integrated information environment in the form of multimedia content promotes effective learning of complex material.

Analysis and synthesis of information obtained in lectures is held in the practice. Practical solution on making one or another cosmetic form consists of several stages. So initially, students analyze the task, offering the use of auxiliary substances and rational technology manufacturing. Then collectively with the teacher discuss the proposed solution of the problem. We found that at the stage of finding an effective choice of ingredients and manufacturing techniques learning level of the studentsgrows.

For efficient memorization of cosmetic manufacturing process it is efficiently to apply a lecture discussionas a method of teaching. A group of students was divided into subgroups, each of which expresses a reasoned point of view on the proposed manufacturing technology. Each subgroup is appropriate to include informal leaders who contribute to competition between subgroups and discussion the manufacturing techniques. It is especially efficiently to create educational discussion on the use of Internet technologies. The role of the teacher in this technique is effective in moderating the debate.

Modern communication services and communication in the form of electronic mail systems, online forums, document management systems, and multimedia services offer unlimited opportunities to exchange any information. At the present stage for internal communication between students and teachers it is not necessary to create a new own resource, as public services are constantly being improved to provide all the necessary requirements.

One means of monitoring students’ knowledge at the Department of Drug Technology of Zaporozhe State Medical University is testing. A bank of tests that cover all topics of practical classes with different levels of complexity, can objectively evaluate the resulting level of knowledge and skills, promote independence assessment, and also helps students to prepare for licensing examinations "KROK 1", "KROK 2".

Use of educational spaces that are built in the system “student-teacher- mediator” which act as an intermediary modern information technology, increases efficiency and mobility of training process. For example, using the Internet for students who study at the Department of Drug Technology,helps to get advice and more information on the topic of employment.

Conclusions.In the organization of educational process for pharmacists-cosmetologist students it is advisable to use information and communication technologies, as they lead to the development of modern specialists.


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How to Cite

Burlaka BS. Enhancing mental activity and cognitive independence through information and communication technologies in students pharmacist cosmetologist. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014Jul.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from: http://pharmed.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/26183



Innovations in pharmaceutical and medical education