Pharmaceutical care as a historical, normative-legal and social-economic category in the system of the population health and pharmaceutical care


  • G. L. Panfilova



Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmaceutical Services, Prophylaxis


Aim. Terminological vagueness of the term «pharmaceutical care» in domestic legislative framework and scientific environment makes it impossible to introduce new forms and methods of providing pharmaceutical population in Ukraine effectively. In order to form the unified methodological approach to identify and order the use of the mentioned term, the results of organizational-economic studies in pharmacy and the existing legal framework have been analyzed.

Methods and results. Using dialectical, historical, logical-semantic and other methods the basic stages in the development of pharmaceutical care have been established and definitions tree of the concept have been constructed.

Conclusion. The results of these studies indicate the need for recognition and regulatory mapping integration (organizational and economic) of the definition «pharmaceutical care» in domestic legislation and public health practice.


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How to Cite

Panfilova GL. Pharmaceutical care as a historical, normative-legal and social-economic category in the system of the population health and pharmaceutical care. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014Jul.8 [cited 2024Oct.24];(2). Available from:


