The study of morpholinium 2-[5-(pyridin-4yl)-1,2,4-triazol-3-ylthio]acetate effect on prevention of stressful conditions


  • I. V. Bushueva
  • B. P. Kirichko
  • E. G. Knish
  • О. I. Panasenko
  • V. I. Izdepskiy



Triazoles, Productivity, Physiological Stress, Prophylaxis


One of the major problems facing the agricultural sector of Ukraine, is the implementation of a national program to increase the meat production. The practice of many countries shows promising solution of this problem by the developing of intensive pig industry as the most technological field. Thus, in recent years the share of pork in the total production of meat in the world showed a growth of 40 % or more and takes the first place in many countries. The problem of young pigs maintaining is one of the most complicated and least resolved problems in pig production. The main problems of high mortality of pigs is an unbalanced feeding gestation sows, lack of control over the level and usefulness of feeding pigs, feeding techniques and violations veterinary hygienic requirements for rearing pigs. An intensive work on improving performance is carried out now, and also maintaining and improving livestock stress in animals. Protection of pig farms from bringing infectious diseases is one of the main tasks of the veterinary service.

Although the unique range was offered to pig producers, which was specifically designed for use in animal insecticides, rodenticides, disinfectants and chemotherapeutic drugs, this branch needs veterinary medicinal products which influence the safety of animals´ livestock and prevent stress.

The purpose of this work became the investigation of 1,2,4-triazole-3-thione derivatives' impact on animal performance, their preservation and prevention of stress states in piglets at weaning and forming groups for rearing.

On the basis of the act of production test steps 1,2,4-triazole derivatives (rumosol, tryfuzol) the performance of animals, their survival has been conducted on animals to determine the percentage of conservation herd.

The result of the studies found that there is 90.8 %, 87.3 % and 83.3 % of survival respectively for each study groupduring the period of observation. It is 69, 62 and 60 animals in general. Therefore, the use of 1,2,4-triazole derivatives ensures safety of pigs livestock on average by 89.05 %. It has been found that average weight of experimental animals ranged from 152g to 204g per daywithin one month. In addition, the observation period no animal death has been recorded. The investigation of actions of 1,2,4 - triazole-3-thione derivatives has been conducted to prevent stress states in piglets at weaning and forming groups for rearing,  to increase productivity, to prevent further morbidity and mortality. The results has showed no clinical observations of morbidity and mortality in experimental animals. In addition, the effectiveness of the above mentioned derivatives for the prevention of stress in piglets during weaning and rearing forming groups has showed body weight gain by72 gramsper day and decreased morbidity.

Analysis of these data allows you to see the economic benefits from the use of 1,2,4-triazole-3-thione derivatives’ action for the purpose of safety and productivity, and stress prevention. The search for new drugs for livestock saving, productivity increasing and prevention of stress states in piglets at weaning is important.



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How to Cite

Bushueva IV, Kirichko BP, Knish EG, Panasenko ОI, Izdepskiy VI. The study of morpholinium 2-[5-(pyridin-4yl)-1,2,4-triazol-3-ylthio]acetate effect on prevention of stressful conditions. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014Jul.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



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