Сirculating osteonectin as a prognostic biological marker in patients with ischemic chronic heart failure


  • A. A. Kremzer




Osteonectin, Chronic Disease, Heart Failure, Prognosis, Survival, Hospitalization


Aim: To evaluate the prognostic value of circulating osteonectin for cumulative survival in patients with ischemic chronic heart failure (CHF).

Methods: A total of 154 patients with ischemic symptomatic moderate-to-severe CHF were enrolled in the study. Observation period was up to 3 years. ELISA methods for measurements of circulating level of osteonectin were used. Concentrations of osteonectin for cumulative survival cases due to advanced CHF were tested. Additionally, all-cause mortality, and CHF-related death were examined.

Conclusion: Increased circulating osteonectin associates with increased 3-year CHF-related death, and risk for hospitalization due to CHF.


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How to Cite

Kremzer AA. Сirculating osteonectin as a prognostic biological marker in patients with ischemic chronic heart failure. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014Jul.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from: http://pharmed.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/26166



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