Wound healing activity of ointment containing essential oils of yarrow floodplain herb


  • S. D. Trzhetsinsky
  • V. I. Mozul
  • G. A. Gernova
  • N. S. Fursa




Achillea, Volatile Oils, Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry, Wound Healing


             It has been revealed by the method of chromatography-mass spectrometry that in the essential oil of yarrow floodplain dominate sesquiterpenoids, such as hamazulen (23,23%), karyophyllenoxydу (15,18%), β-karyophyllene (6,03 %). As a result, pharmacological studies has revealed the healing action of an ointment containing essential oil of yarrow floodplain that showed significant increasing rate of regeneration in defect of the skin, caused by an alcoholic solution of sulfuric.


The search of effective treatments for infected wound processes is one of the important problems of medicine. As a result of many years research in the flora of southern Ukraine we found genus Achillea promising for the use in medicine, due to its contents of various groups of biologically active substances.

The purpose of this study was to examine the wound healing activity of an ointment containing 10 % of yarrow floodplain essential oil.

Materials and methods. Aboveground plant parts in Zaporizhzhya region and Crimea during mass flowering have been harvested for essential oil. The essential oil obtained by method of hydrodistillation. Analysis of essential oils has been carried out on a chromatograph Agilent Technology – 6890 with mass spectrometric detector 5973 N.

The study has been conducted in a wound healing activity in vivo experiments on 21 white male rats of Wistar line, weight 220.0 ± 20.0 g with no external signs of disease. Wound defect has been formed by conditioning shaved area of the skin by 20 % alcoholic solution of sulfuric acid.

Results and discussion. For an objective assessment rate of wound healing by the area changing, we used planimetric method of L.N. Popov, calculating the average area (M ± m), the percentage of reduction of the wounds area in relation to the original size (that is the percentage of wound healing) and the rate of wound healing (that is the percentage of reduction of area per day).

            By chromatography-mass spectrometry in the essential oil of yarrow herb floodplain 62 components have been found, from which 34 components have been identified, they have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, immune-stimulating, regenerative properties according to the literature data.

Pharmacological studies of wound healing ability of yarrow floodplain essential oil showed a significant increasing of the rate of skin defect regeneration. The study has found significant differences in the percentage of wound surface area reduction between the control animals and rats treated by 10% ointment of yarrow floodplain essentia. The maximum difference in terms of percentage between the experimental and control group recorded on the 10th day of the experiment, accounting for 41.08 %.

It should be noted that in addition to wound healing activity of the ointment with essential oils of yarrow stimulated the restoration of damaged hair in experimental animals. It is also important to note that in the experimental group edema of the tissue surrounding the wound decreased significantly starting from the 4th day of the experiment, whereas in the control group, the edema and inflammation around the wounds have been maintained for 7-8 days.

During the experiment, wound healing effect has been observed in the control animals to 18 days of experiment, while the use of an ointment containing essential oil of yarrow floodplain has contributed significantly to the acceleration of the regeneration. Healing of the defect with using the proposed agent has been observed a week earlier.


1. As a result, pharmacological studies has revealed healing action of an ointment containing essential oil of yarrow floodplain that showed significant increasing rate of regeneration in defect of the skin, caused by an alcoholic solution of sulfuric acid.

2. The obtained results indicate the prospects of further study the ointment containing essential oil of yarrow floodplain in order to create an effective drug with a wound healing activity.



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How to Cite

Trzhetsinsky SD, Mozul VI, Gernova GA, Fursa NS. Wound healing activity of ointment containing essential oils of yarrow floodplain herb. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014Jul.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from: http://pharmed.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/26163



Pharmacognosy and chemistry of natural compounds