
  • L. V. Kukuruza



substance, flurenizyd, eye ointments


Purpose.To describe the use of substances for the manufacture of eyeointments in Ukraine and the relevance of new soft medicinal forms using flurenizyd for ophthalmology.

Materials and methods. We have performed information search in the sources of specialized scientific literature, regulations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, directories of domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Results and discussion.According to scientific literature review, the content of the state register of medicines in Ukraine, assortment of soft drugs, approved for medicinal use in Ukraine in 2013, constitutes approximately 556 items, 340 of which are of foreign production (61%) and 216 (39 %) domestic ones. The range of soft ointment medicines constitutes 255 (46%) items and only 9 (3,5%) items of eye soft drugs of exclusively foreign production.From the literature review it has been shown that the immediate task is the development, standardization and application of high-efficacy technology of soft medicinal forms in ophthalmology. It is also important to find effective active ingredients of antibacterial and antiviral action. Complex scientific investigation of new soft dosage forms, based on flurenizyd, has been conducted at various departments of DanyloHalytskyLvivnational medical university.

Flurenizyd attracted the attention of researchers for its wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. Flurenizyd is effective in the treatment of many infectious diseases, including especially dangerous ones – chlamydia and tuberculosis.The first experimental, preclinical and clinical studies of flurenizyd as ophthalmological ointment have been conducted at the Department of ophthalmology DanyloHalytskyLviv national medical university. The ointment proved effective in the treatment of eyeburns and bacterial keratitis (experimental clinical research).The concentration of flurenizyd ointment is optimal for clinical use. Three different concentrations (0.25%, 0.5% and 1%) of ointment have been investigated. The best clinical effect in ophthalmology is provided with 1% ointment.

Thoroughly studied pharmacological properties of 1% flurenizyd ointment proved its wide range of antimicrobial and antiviral activities in the perspective of ophthalmological practice.


1.The modern marketof softdrugs in ophthalmology has beenrepresented byforeign production.

2. It is important to findeffectiveactivesubstances of antibacterialandantiviral activityof domestic productionand their developmentonthe basis ofeyeointments.

3.Completed experimentaland clinical studiesof antibacterial1%flurenizyd ointmentis also effectivein the caseof experimentalcorneoscleraleyes.

4.1%ophthalmologicalointmentflurenizydis perspective forimplementation intodomestic production.



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How to Cite

Kukuruza LV. NEW SUBSTANCE FOR EYE OINTMENTSCREATION. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014Jul.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



Pharmaceutical manufacturing