Methodical aspects in teaching pharmacology to foreign students


  • I. B. Samura



pharmacology teaching, foreign students, innovations, learning modules


The methods of teaching pharmacology to international students in groups with English language learning have been generalized and recommendations in the educational process have been developed. Basic contradictions of the process of training future doctors, actualizing the need to improve the content, forms and methods of teaching are considered. Pedagogical objectives underlying the formation of pharmacology modern learning technologies are listed. In particular, the technique of students’ self-organization has been represented, its advantages are justifi ed, and criteria for independent work are highlighted. The factors proving the necessity of the introduction and systematic use of interactive teaching methods in the educational process have been analyzed; methods to stimulate students’ interest in learning have been revealed.


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How to Cite

Samura IB. Methodical aspects in teaching pharmacology to foreign students. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014May23 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



Innovations in pharmaceutical and medical education