
  • I. V. Kochin State Institute «Zaporozhye Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine»,
  • O. M. Akulova
  • P. I. Sidorenko
  • V. M. Vasilenko
  • O. O. Gajvolya



informing, population, Chernobyl area, radio-active matters, state of health


Humanity more critically and responsibly estimates possibilities to control the risks of consequences of human activity. More attention is spent for the spare of notification system about failures on AES and questions of informing population about radiation contamination. The experts of Worldwide nature protection organization of Greenpeace consider that in case of scale failure on AES population presently is badly protected from radiation influencing, as well as before, people are not enough informed about its consequences.

PURPOSE OF WORK. Optimization of informing the population from polluted territories, on the basis of developing the models of self-government local organs’ informative activity and creation the development Centers of associations in obedience to UNESCO Chernobyl' Program and Chernobyl' Programs of UNO.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. Scientific state information generators, which inform people from territories, influenced after AES failure, results of public opinion about the health state and morbidity, its dynamics and also results of the radiation-ecological monitoring of 30-kilometre alienation area according to the radiation state system are collected, generalized and analyzed.

RESEARCH RESULTS. Remote consequences of AES failure have sociological-psychological character. The general dynamics of postchernobil situation among suffering population is determined by negative factors combination, such, as: radical change of ecological terms of dwelling; method and lifestyle, destruction of traditional economic activity of people in agricultural regions; health sharp worsening of considerable part of population; low level of being informed of population in relation to radiation-ecological problems; general change of socio-economic life terms; a socio-economic crisis in the state; errors in social policy on overcoming the consequences of failure, social and medical help.

According to the results of research it is needed to select five principal reasons of the insufficient information of influenced regions’ population: insufficient volume of information which is got by habitants; inadequate form of getting information; absence of informative materials serve system; high level of mistrust of people from polluted regions to any official information; absence of Internet access in Chernobyl area.


1. Analysis of postchernobil situation and especially, its remote consequences should be carried out not from the visions of social stress, but from the paradigm of social crises theory.

2. System of informing the population from influenced regions, and also special educational program and adequate forms and methods of ecological education of schoolboys requires native alteration.

3. Centers of development, created on the financial base of local social infrastructure can become associations for a grant of necessary concrete and systematic information about ecological and radiological situation.


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How to Cite

Kochin IV, Akulova OM, Sidorenko PI, Vasilenko VM, Gajvolya OO. PROBLEMS AND NECESSITIES OF INFORMING OF POPULATION OF TERRITORIES, MUDDY RADIO-ACTIVE MATTERS. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014May23 [cited 2024Oct.10];(1). Available from:



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