The investigation of the influence of compacting pressure and operating regime of the fluidized bed plant on the properties of tablets made of Chinese poplar leaf extract


  • A. I. Denys State Higher Educational Establishment «I.Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine»,
  • T. A. Hroshovyi State Higher Educational Establishment «I.Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine»,



tablet-core based on the extract of Chinese Poplar leaf, pharmac-otechnological properties, compacting pressure, fluidized bed plant


Introduction. Pharmacotechnological properties of a tablet drug form are largely dependent on the pressure applied for its preparation. We have previously worked out tablets, made of Chinese poplar leaf extract with the help of direct compression. In the course of the experiment we have found out that physical and mechanical parameters of tablets-cores made of the Chinese poplar leaf extract depend on changes in compacting pressure. The tablets which were worked out considerably reacted to moisture of the external environment both in the course of drugs production and during their storage. That is why it was decided to coat their surface with waterproof covering under the conditions of fluidization. For this purpose, determining the optimal operating regime of the fluidized bed plant was necessary as long as it significantly affects the quality of tablets which are to be covered.

The aim of the given work is to study the effect of compacting pressure and operating regime of the fluidized bed plant on the properties of tablets-cores made of Chinese poplar leaf extract.

Material and methods. We used tablets-cores containing0.1 g of Chinese poplar leaf extract and with an average weight of0.4 g, which were prepared by compacting pressure in the range of 48-384 MPa. The testing of tablets-cores for abrasion in fluidized bed plant was carried out at the temperature of 78-80 º C during 3 minutes. Pharmacotechnological parameters of the suggested tablets-cores were tested for compliance with the SPU requirements.

The effect of air temperature under air distributor plate and tablets circulation time in the chamber on their abrasion was studied by means of orthogonal symmetric composite plan of the second order.

Results and Discussion. We have investigated the dependence of pharmacotechnological properties of tablets-cores made of Chinese poplar leaves extracts on the pressure of their preparation. It was established that with the increase of compacting pressure the resistance to crushing and disintegration time also increase, while moisture absorption and abrasion of tablets-cores made of Chinese poplar leaves extracts decrease. It should be noted that during testing for abrasion even at low pressure all tablets-cores stayed intact and had no cracks and chips. At highest pressure in 384 Mpa, disintegration time of tablets-cores did not exceed 10 minutes.

With the help of orthogonal symmetric composite plan of the second order the effect of air temperature and investigating time on the friction of tablets-cores made of Chinese poplar leaves extracts in fluidized bed plant was studied: x1 – air temperature under air distributor plate (in the range of 72,9-87,1 ° C), x2 – tablets circulation time (48-132s). The lowest rate of tablet abrasion was provided when the chamber of fluidized bed plant was heated to a temperature of 77 ° C and tablet dedusting was carried out during 58-60 seconds.


The effect of compacting pressure on the resistance to crushing, disintegration, moisture and abrasion of the tablets-cores made of Chinese poplar leaves extracts in fluidized bed plant has been investigated.

The optimal operating regime of the fluidized bed plant, ensuring minimal abrasion of tablets-cores made of Chinese poplar leaves extracts, has been determined.


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How to Cite

Denys AI, Hroshovyi TA. The investigation of the influence of compacting pressure and operating regime of the fluidized bed plant on the properties of tablets made of Chinese poplar leaf extract. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014May23 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



Pharmaceutical manufacturing