
  • I. V. Kovalevska




quercetin, physical-chemical characteristics, biopharmaceutical peculiarities


Introduction. The working out of the medicines on the basis of natural bioflavonoids, quercetin in particular, is a perspective direction of broading doctors’ remedy arsenal with polytropic effect. Quercetin has different pharmacological aspects: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, radioprotective effects and has elements of cardio-, nephro-, gastro- and hondroprotection.

Materials and methods.

The object of the research is quercetin substance. Microscopic analysis has been held with the help of laboratory microscope «Konus-Akademy» with ocular-camera Scope Tek DCM510. To visualize the pictures software Scope Photo™ has been used, that allowed to measure the line sizes in real time condition and create stative picture.

To define the form the roundedness parameter definition has been used, which can be found as ratio of circumference length with the same area as a particle to the factual particle perimeter.

The cosine of angle soaking has been researched according to the dynamics of liquid penetration into the substance within 10 minutes.

Results and discussions.

The results of microscopic analysis indicate that quercetin substance refers to crystalline monoclinical system. The particles have anisodiametrical   form with the fragments on the surface. Form factor is 0,2. The roundedness parameter is approaching 0. The particles are able to agglomerate. The definition of not crushed substance fraction composition by means of sieve analysis showed the advantages of 1 mkm particles. The use of microscopic method allowed to establish that the main particle size of not crushed substance vacillates in the interval 1-0,5 mkm, crushed is 0,5-0,25 mkm.

The vacillation of the particle size depending on definition method could be explained by the presence of electrostatic power connections between quercetin particles. According to the received dissolvation data quercetin can be referred to the fourth class of biovailability. It allows to affirm the reason of dissolubility raise of this substance. Quercetin soaking research exposed that the substance does not get wet with hydrofoil dissolutions. Melting temperature determination showed that quercetin refers to thermostable powders (Тmelt. – 302 0С), that is why there are no physical-chemical changes while mechanic and physical affect. Thickness meaning (1,478) gives a chance to predict the creation of substance particles conglomeration which is being investigated.

Conclusion. Thus, received experimental data allows to come to conclusion about the necessity to carry out the researches of the physical-chemical quercetin substance features to improve biopharmaceutic indices.


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How to Cite

Kovalevska IV. QUERCETIN PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS’ DEFINITION. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014May23 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from: http://pharmed.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/24523



Pharmacognosy and chemistry of natural compounds