The Pharmacognostic Research of L. luteus L.


  • O. V. Grechana Zaporozhye State Medical University,



L. luteus L., Pharmacognostic Research, Coumarin


Genus Lupinus (Tourn.) L., belonging to the Legume family Fabaceae, has large polymorphism. Currently there are known over 250 species of lupine.

Wild lupine species are found in the Apennine, Iberian and Balkan peninsulas in Asia and also in the islands of the Mediterranean Sea and the northern and eastern coasts ofAfrica. Lupine is one of the oldest cultivated plants. More than four thousand years ago inEgypt, there was a highly developed culture of white lupine.

The second branch of the ancient cultures was inSouth America, where another kind of lupine was cultivated – a variable one. InCentral Europe, lupine began to grow in the second half of the XIX century culture as a green manure, and then - as the most valuable forage plant.

The first written information about lupine appeared in books of ancient physicians: Hippocrates and a botanist Theophrastus. One recalls lupine as a useful edible and medical cosmetic plant in works of prominent scholars of the ancient world, such as Dioscorides, Avicenna, Galen, Pliny, and others.

In folk medicine lupine is used to stimulate appetite, used against boils and moles, as a remedy against worms and pain in the abdomen and liver. With cosmetic purposes it is used for hair growth and against wrinkles.

Lupine is used as a fodder crop in different forms: green weight is well ensiled, hay and hay meal are prepared from it, lupine crops are used for green fodder and for pasture, and seed is excellent concentrated food. Main areas of crop areUkraine,Belarus,Russia.

L. luteus L. - Yellow lupine was input into culture 130 years ago. Its wild forms are found throughout the Mediterranean coast (Western part of North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, Corsica,Sardinia,Sicily,SouthernItaly,Greece,Asia).

Large selection work was carried out with yellow lupine - the protein content in the seeds is 40 % and green mass is 3,5; it has been ranked among the most cultivated species. In addition, its seeds contain up to 5 % of fat.

The purpose of the research is pharmacognostic study of composition and quantitative content of available coumarins in overground of L. luteus L raw materials.

The plant material (grass) was harvested during the active flowering - (May - June) in the suburbs of Zaporozhye. Drying was carried under a canopy.

We used chromatograph Agilent Technologies with mass spectrometric detector. Gas-bearer was helium. Capillary chromatographic column has length of 30m. Components were identified using mass spectra library with programs for identification.

Method of internal standard was used for quantitative calculations.

During conducting of GL chromatography 64 compounds were found. Among them, 31 compounds were identified. Emphasis is placed on large number of components that belong to the class of fatty acids (palmitic, oleic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic acid ), which were found by: 59,8 mg /1000 g; 2,0 mg /1000 g; 7,9 mg /1000 g; 10,5 mg /1000 g; 70,1 mg /1000 g.

Biologically active products of saponins’ biosynthesis (lupeol, α-amiryn, β-amiryn, kempesterol, styhmasterol, γ-sitosterol) of yellow lupine during chromatography were identified in raw material.  

In the plant material coumarin was found in thefree state- 1,6 mg per1000 gof dry material.


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How to Cite

Grechana OV. The Pharmacognostic Research of L. luteus L. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2014May23 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



Pharmacognosy and chemistry of natural compounds